It’s Fall!
I love fall-I was raised in the upper Midwest where fall brought an outrageous show of color. Here in the Sacramento area fall is more, hm, subtle? Changes are more micro than macro.
My first clue that fall is on its way comes from my grasses-they all go to seed and with the slightest breeze my backyard is filled with movement.
My olive trees are laden with ripening olives.
My sedums begin to change color, eventually going to a pretty brick color.My Smoke Trees turn into this fluffy mass of “smoke”.
Grasses begin to turn color…
and the Kangaroo Paws dry to a golden brown.
The Echinacheas drop their petals leaving a beautiful seed head.
The Black Eyed Susans have peaked….
and the Barberries have begun to color.
The feathery plumes of the Pampas Grass are beautiful backlit by morning sun.
My neighbor’s grapes vines are creeping over my fence (but he picked all the grapes)!
Oh yeah, and here’s the DH’s sign of fall:
Hope you are enjoying your fall!
There is nothing so nice as fall in the upper midwest–it’s absolutely beautiful here in Michigan and there is lots more fall color to come. However, I can understand your husband’s sign of fall…we have a lot of football coaches in our family so that has been a way of life for my entire adult existence. Good thing I love football as well as flowers! Wonderfully engaging and funny post!
Oh I do miss that beautiful fall color you get there and those crisp days!
I had no idea DH was a long horn fan. Hook ’em Horns.
You too?? You’ll have to tell me how that happened. He has an entire section of the closet that’s “burnt orange”, he’s from El Paso, hails from 4 generations of Texans, got his MBA from UT, our boys are native Texans-it’s serious!
Those are gorgeous photos, Jenny!
Thanks! I love fall here even though it’s pretty subtle.
Fall is my favorite season! Great photos Jenny.