“Just Show Up”
“Just show up”-that’s the conventional wisdom regarding what to do when your creative juices have evaporated. I was feeling a bit blue about spending Easter without my boys and my creative mojo was gone. I was aching to create something wonderful, but it just wasn’t happening.
So I was obedient to the “rule” of what I’m supposed to do at those times: I just showed up in my “studio” (that mini-space I share with my DH’s office) and just started working on bits and pieces. I Misty Fused some light weight denim together for another Daisy Fill Vest. The Misty Fuse will tame any errant threads without altering the hand of the fabric.
I printed out and assembled the Sorbetto pattern as a free download from Collette Patterns. The Sorbetto is receiving rave reviews and is a super cute, quick-sew top for summer. I dug in my stash and found some organic cotton for the top and a fun micro print for the binding.
I used my Clover Bias Binding Maker to create my own binding for the Sorbetto.
And I thought I was going to finish the second version of the Daisy Fill Vest made out of fabric from the April Johnson Collection of Project Runway (available at Jo-Ann’s). Jo-Ann’s now carries some better quality fabrics like this one-I always prefer to buy my fabric from locally-owned stores, but in my area there is virtually no garment fabric to be had.
I was really pleased with how the Misty Fuse tamed the threads on this fabric-there was no way I could have trimmed it this closely without it eventually disintegrating.
Oh by now my creative mojo was back! I was humming along feeling pretty good….when I made this discovery. Oh dear, made two right sides of the vest. I have already free motioned the crap out of the back and “left” front where they join together at the side seam. How on earth am I going to solve this one? I’ve already cut the negative space out between the motifs! What a mess! Stay tuned for the solution-if there is one.
Now, don’t you tell me that you have never done this!
Sounds like a creative opportunity to reverse that other side and do something you have never done…paint, discharge, angelina, beads, sequins, buttons….something unusual and make a feature out of that error! Bling it up!
I know you’ve got something up your sleeve for this. And the suggestion above sounds like a pretty fab one.
Can’t wait to see what you do with this!
Wow, the pressure is on! I really haven’t a clue what to do with it!
Send it to someone else to bling it up?
Good thought-I belong to so many groups, I should take it with me and ask for suggestions.
I am just thinking of taking my loss though-carefully removing the offending side and figuring out how to attach a new one.
Love your image name…