Isn’t It Supposed To Be Fall?
I love living in Northern California, but sometimes the weather really tests me. Even though we have already experienced 15 consecutive days of daytime temps over 90 degrees, it’s officially fall. And this week shows five more consecutive days in the 90’s.
At least some of my plantings know better, especially my grasses, succulents, cacti and drought tolerants.Of course “Autumn Sedum” knows it’s fall!
I have no idea what is the name of this guy, I call him “Elephant Trunk”. Love how he goes to seed.
All my grasses are going to seed too.
I love my grasses-beautiful in the morning, backlit by the rising sun. At the slightest of breezes, they wave and bow.
My Kangaroo Paws went crazy this year. Now their little pods are drying up and getting crunchy-perfect for fall bouquets.
And my Smoke Trees are, well, going to smoke.
I am thrilled at how well succulents and cacti do here!
This Echeveria(?) seems to understand that winter is coming.
That color is not Photo Shopped-it’s really that gorgeous!
My baby pomegranates are setting their fruit for fall salads.
My olive trees seem to be undecided! Hope you’re having a great fall!
Gorgeous! Love this post and photos.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Have you ever thought of being a master gardener? Yuk Yuk! Your garden look fabulous. Mine needs weeding and fruit picking. Your photography skills are great Jenny.
The only problem with being a Master Gardener is that I would have to…! I just enjoy.
They’ve done studies that the most highly creative people share certain habits -one of which is spending time outdoors in nature. I love your appreciation. Thank you for sharing some of the beauty in your life with us.
You’re welcome! I do enjoy the beauty of nature-visual, texture, sound, touch.
Wow! DIdn’t know you were such a gardener. Beautiful!
Oh I’m not a gardener, I’m an “enjoyer”!
Beautiful garden and great photos! Enjoy your 90 degree fall while I enjoy my midwest normal 60 degree days and 45 degree nights for a while!
Ah but your fall is in macro! MIne is in micro, and I still enjoy it. I was raised in north central Ilinois so I know how glorious your fall can be!
Wow, I think I would never get anything done if I lived in the middle of all this beauty!
I do enjoy it every day. I take my sewing breaks in the “best seat in the house”-on the front porch!
Thank you for the wonderful walk in your garden! Every soul should have a garden!
Yes, what a beautiful thought-every single soul!