I’m Published!
Honestly, I will get back to my “regularly scheduled programming” but just one more boast. I’ve been published for the first time; my “Mom’s Lily Bed” quilt was featured in the March/April, 2013 issue of Machine Quilting Unlimited. So get a copy and turn to page 79! I’m reveling in the joy of seeing that quilt in print.
The timing seems especially appropriate since my Mom passed around this time last year. “Mom’s Lily Bed” is based on a strong childhood memory of a beautiful moment in time. A year ago I was lurching through the process of helping with all the arrangements with my family-I didn’t realize the two events collided, until today.
I keep what is called a “10 Year Diary” and it helps me to remember both the important and inane things that happen in my life. It enriches my life more than I can put into words. I can “remember” that my friend lost her sister 5 years ago today, that my son got his first job 6 years ago, or that wonderful time my husband and I had over a lovely dinner. And it helps me to remember my Mom that I miss and how many blessings poured out, even as we prepared to put her to rest.
But there is joy mixed with sorrow and I am uplifted and grateful for all that I’ve been given.
How exciting to see your name in print! And a nice coincidence on the timing–circle of life.
Yes to all of the above! My Mom would be proud.
I love that mag. Great job, I can’t wait to see it! Good for you!
Me too Roxanne-it’s my favorite quilt magazine! Thank you!
Congratulations! What a wonderful honor for you and your mother.
Yes Kelly, we are sharing the joy!
Jenny, what a fabulous achievement for you and tribute for Mom! Congrats!
Thank you Laura, I’m pumped!
What a great achievement that resonates on so many levels. And it’s OK to brag on yourself, especially when you deserve it.
Aw thank you Joanna! It does feel good.
Congratulations! It’s interesting how we can look back and see connections that weren’t at all apparent at the time but seem so obvious in hindsight. And the whimsically-quilted bee really evokes (for me) the childhood feeling you describe in your notes!
Thanks Kim-I did want to keep that whimsical feeling and was a bit afraid I had lost it. The coincidences with my Mom are touching to me!