Mini Breeze
I’ve been super busy, and for the first time in weeks I had time to quilt. What a joy it was to be able to sit and quilt a bit. I created a little 6″ x 8″ quilt for the Studio Art Quilt Associates Anniversary Spotlight auction that will be held at the upcoming conference next week in Alexandria, Va. I’m just now getting around to posting this.

I just love this little motif that grew in my mind from observing the stipa gigantea in my back yard. Since I needed to make this little donation piece quickly, I went to what I already knew. I do love how the background quilting gives a peaceful, gentle, breezy feel to the quilt.

I’ve been labeling my quilts this way lately-one long skinny piece with the important information hand printed-it’s simple and understated. I like the unobtrusive feel of this type of label and I’m just not a fancy label kind of gal.

This little guy is 6″ x 8″ but will be matted to 4 1/2″ x 6 1/2″ for the auction somewhat like this-that’s why there’s so much white space around the grass.

My piece will join all these beauties at the auction-there are some real gems to be had!

All was going well until-ack-there was a bit of brown ick on the back of the quilt after I had steamed it flat! I got out my Fels Naptha and scrubbed the back with a toothbrush. Then the label began to bleed! I quickly ripped off the label before it bled onto the white. Geez, talk about a comedy of errors! Duh, forgot to set the ink.

Obviously the iron had to be the culprit causing the brown spots, but I had just cleaned the iron yesterday! Only when I examined the sole plate did I notice this chipped part which produced the brown ick.
I have a whole philosophy about irons. I used to buy Rowentas-expensive, snotty irons that spewed water and steam and just generally annoyed me. I went through 3 before I gave up on them. And snotty irons don’t heat up like I want either.
For this last iron I decided to go for a cheapie General Electric iron. Loved it until now: that sucker will sear your fabric if you ask it to and performed like a champ for $14. It had a good run of 3 years. So I’m off to replace my iron-hope I can find the Panasonic Titanium non-stick iron that Sarah Ann Smith recommends.
I’ve got so much in my head that I want to post-I will try to get some up before I begin traveling. I’ll be leaving next week for the SAQA conference in Alexandria, Va, then home for 2 days and back up to Maine to see #1 son get his Master’s. That will be followed by a SAQA meeting to plan and a guild lecture/workshop. My postings may be sparse through mid-May!
Your auction piece is lovely – very calligraphic in feel. And I feel your pain about irons. For some odd reason, the two products that companies never seem to get right are vacuum cleaners and irons. I still mourn my ancient, no steam, Sunbeam iron. I now expect to buy a new iron every other year.
Boy do I agree Joanna! I now have whole house vacuum which is fabulous but I still haven’t conquered irons! We’ll see if this Panasonic rocks.
I will see you there!!! Can’t wait to meet you in DC! I have had that little Panasonic iron for years, and it’s great! Eventually, it spit at me too, but I still use it for fusing.
Good to know you like the Panasonic. I will see you at conference!!
As Ricky Tims says – it doesn’t matter the quality or price of your iron; if you put water in it it’s only a matter of time til it becomes incontinent. :) I now use a spritzer bottle with way diluted linen water. Works great and barely smells nice, too. As always, Jenny, your work is outta this world gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing.
Maggie in Arizona
Incontinent-giggle! Thanks for the comment-hope you are enjoying all your travels!