Artist’s Date-“Bird’s Eye View: Aerial Art”
If you’re familiar with Julia Cameron’s classic book The Artist’s Way, you’ll know that she encourages a weekly self-date to view art. I don’t always honor my weekly date but I try-it really does fuel the creative spirit.
My date last week took me to Gallery at 48 Natoma in Folsom. Their current exhibit, Bird’s Eye View: Aerial Art, paired one of my favorite textile artists, Linda Gass, with watercolor artist Elaine Bowers and it was a powerful combination:

The gallery’s description of the exhibit:
“During this historical time of drought, Californians are connected to the water in our region now more than ever before. The Sacramento Delta and San Francisco Bay Area have a unique landscape with rice fields, pastures, orchards, vineyards, farmlands and wetlands juxtaposed to urban centers that emphasize the vulnerability of water issues in California. As seen from above our local waterways become a rich patchwork of colors and textures, a collage of velvety greens, rich earth tones and bright blues.”

I was especially drawn to this exhibit-there’s some history there for me. Back in another time DH and I berthed our boat in the California Delta, near Isleton. I fell in love with the quiet, gentle beauty, the tulle grasses, serene vistas and laid back vibe of the Delta. This exhibit brought back that feeling for me.

I especially appreciate Linda Gass‘ approach to her work-she has a passion for raising public awareness about water resources through art. Portions of her artist statement follow:
“I deliberately work in textiles with the intention to reach as many people as possible with the issues expressed in my work. Textiles are an unintimidating medium; people feel a familiarity and comfort with fabric since it plays such an integral and basic part in our lives.
I use the lure of beauty to both encourage people to look at the hard environmental issues we face and to give them hope. My paintings are done on silk, a naturally beautiful surface, and I gravitate towards luminous, saturated colors, giving my work an optimistic feeling.
Although many of the landscapes I depict are ugly in reality, my landscapes are beautified as I prefer to engage the viewer through pleasure. I am trying to create an attitude shift from feeling overwhelmed by the magnitude of the problems to feeling inspired and empowered to take action through the experience of art.”
I love her beautiful, soft approach to an issue she is passionate about!

This impressive piece is the first you see when you enter the exhibit. There are no narratives with the art which leaves you to ponder.

Linda’s work is intricately stitched on a luminous silk-I would guess it is charmeuse. Can’t help but observe that she buried every start and stop of every single line on this intricate piece. Sometimes it takes a lot of tedium to create beauty.

Gorgeous colors representing an ugly situation. Linda’s work represents the waterways throughout California.

She had a grouping of beautiful smaller pieces.

Of course I loved the black and white!

I don’t know how to rid the glare in these photos-sorry! This so beautifully captures the landscape. The Delta affords unique vistas.

It’s so peaceful on the Delta. It takes me back to bucolic times boating in the Delta with my family.

I hope you enjoyed your tour. If you’re anywhere near, this is definitely worth a look. It filled my soul to view this exhibit. The California Delta is beautiful, fragile and peaceful and the aerial views capture it perfectly.
Jenny, Thank you for the many beautiful exhibits you share. Places I will not have the opportunity to see and you bring them to me. Really exciting to get acquainted with so many interesting artists, including you. I love following your works in progress and how you bring them to completion. Keep your wonderful talents in media brings much joy to us all. Carol
You are so welcome Carol! I am fortunate to be able to do what I love so I want to share it. You make my day with your comment!
Since I used to work with maps and environmental protection this exhibit really struck home with me. Thanks for making it possible to see an artistic side to what I used to do. Though the aerial photos were often pretty cool.
Joanna you would have loved this then! I so appreciate that she doesn’t hit you over the head with her message yet it’s so effective. Thank you for reading!
Oops, I left a comment this morning, but maybe I didn’t hit publish. Anyway, I loved these works. They are making my fingers itch to get in and do some detailed machine quilting! Thanks for taking the time to share this exhibit with us.
Well excellent Debby-I hope you get in there and start stitching!
Great post! Like you, I love art dates and go on them regularly. You bring me into the show, explain what informs the images, and let me see the art. Thanks so much, for Folsom is a long way from home, which means I won’t get there except via your blog.
Thank you Mirka. Oh I wish I could say I regularly go on art dates. It’s hard to fit them in sometimes. Right now in my area there are a lots of things to see-and then there will be dry spells. Love your blog!
Thank you for sharing these fabulous visuals!!! I’m inspired!
You’re welcome Mary-it is a fabulous show and inspires me too. I love Linda’s approach as well as her art.
Thanks for sharing these Jenny, I always find Linda Gass’s work amazing.
Glad you enjoyed it Linda-yes, her work is even more amazing in person. So enjoy your blog posts and the hand work you do!
Jenny: I was so pleasantly surprised to see this blog. In my “former” life I also spent many hours in the Delta on a boat. I even wrote several articles for boating magazines back in the day. I loved all of the pictures and images of the places I know well reproduced with textiles. I hope the exhibit is still available; would love to see it in person. Once again I am awed at your work and creativity. I may have to go through all those old boxes of slides in the garage to see what ideas I might find from old photographs. My son has framed some of our old navigation charts; they might suggest some ideas also..
Oh Sonja you must get to see this show. It’s a beautiful representation of northern California waterways. Linda Gass’ work is primarily Bay based I believe and the Elaine Bowers watercolors are of the Delta, beautifully capturing the peace of the Delta. Oh get those slides out and let them inspire some art for you! It’s on til Oct 30-now get down there!!