Folsom Quilt and Fiber Guild Show-2015-Part 2
What a busy week! I intended to get all my quilt show photos up last week but it was not to be. This week I’m showing the larger quilts. I hope to get a smaller post out later this week with the garments.

What a Best of Show! This was a spectacular piece to see in person. Bill Brennan, husband of one of the participants, took a great photo of a Pacifica hillside. They divided the photo into twelve sections and assigned two non-contiguous sections to each artist to allow for individual exploration of techniques. There was so much interesting detail on each piece. It must have been so much fun to see it come together for the first time.

Penny S. Hanscom’s interpretation of Gustav Klimt’s iconic “The Kiss” was so beautifully rendered. Beautiful colors and exquisite details were abundant.

Helen chose her colors well to create a beautiful double rainbow effect-doesn’t that just glow? She wrote that the design called for 20 colors, but in the process of buying her fabrics she bought more than was needed-awwwww!

What a stunning piece! Debi used a Judy Niemeyer pattern and chose her two favorite colors-gotta love this.

Nancy started with the Positively Pineapple book and added her own touches. This quilt was so gorgeous in person and every technique so well done-her colors, the addition of the applique, beautiful piecing-lovely.

I never get tired of Log Cabin variations. Lorraine used Eleanor Burns’ Twisted Log Cabin pattern. I really liked her color choices-the traditional red center but unexpectedly surrounded by gray and warm tan-loved that.

“Quilting makes the quilt”-sometimes quilting really does make the quilt. Sandi made this as a housewarming gift for her son. I just love, love the quilting!

Dorothy used this quilt as an opportunity to use her new embroidery machine. It’s such a masculine quilt-what guy wouldn’t want this quilt?

I loved these dimensional lures.

Janeen saw this quilt at the Stitching Post in Sisters, Oregon five years ago and finally finished it. I would love to have this in my home to either cuddle up in or hang on the wall-I never get tired of stripes.

Pam started with a Laura Nownes and Diana McClun pattern, added fabrics from Jason Yentes and created this charming quilt. I just love the energy from the basket handles fabrics.

Lynne is a part of the “Monday Makers Quilting Group”. Several in her group have also made this quilt but Lynne made hers larger. It’s just such a happy quilt!

Sylvia used ruler work on her domestic machine for much of the quilting. I admire her expertise and patience…and I’m a little jealous too. And put in a piped binding to boot.

This is an exquisite appliqued quilt with hand quilting and hand embroidered touches. It took Pamela two years to complete but what a treasure!

Everything is done so beautifully-the piecing, hand embroidery, color choices, applique.

Carol started out with a pattern and added her own touch by changing the dimensions, style and color. It all came together so beautifully.

You see Susan’s quilting well here-it really added to the quilt without overtaking Carol’s design.

Sandi made this for her daughter Tiffany who is beginning to sew. The colors are so lovely and the quilting-well, see that below:

This is what earned Sandi Best Machine Quilting!

Chelsey found a similar quilt on Pinterest and thought “I can do that!”-so she did. The white fabric is actually from her Mom-it’s about 40 years old! I was thrilled to see a Modern quilt in the mix.
Glad to see a few traditional quilts in there! The concentric circle quilting on the sampler quilt is really great!
Yes, love that quilting Barbara! We have lots of great traditional quilters too.