Give-Away: The Improv Handbook for Modern Quilters
As promised, I’ve got a hot new book to give away: The Improv Handbook for Modern Quilters: A Guide to Creating, Quilting, and Living Courageously by Sherri L. Wood. I was so excited about her upcoming book that I pre-ordered….twice! So I just have to give away my extra to one of my readers.

I have not yet been able to read the whole thing and I’m dying to play with one of her “scores”. The book is a lot about process and practice and what’s in your head. The photography is fabulous. Although it is definitely a book for Modern quilters, much of Sherry Lynn Wood‘s advice is for all quilters. I have not had as much time to play with Modern quilting as I’d like, but when I do, I am definitely going to play with some ideas from the book.
I have not done much quilting this week but I have planned and booked TWO vacations! Planning vacations takes A LOT of time. I guess that is a First World Problem, no? Cruise the website for a giggle-some of them are a little crude-not my fault!

DH and I will be going to Chicago in June to visit my son and his girlfriend. They live in the Streaterville area of downtown Chicago, right off the Magnificent Mile. There are museums and galleries galore-that will be fun!

And I’ve booked an Alaskan cruise in July! We have cruised Alaska twice before and just loved it. This time we won’t do any planned ship excursions, we’ll be exploring on our own, guided by copious amounts of research.
Okay, on to the give-away. I’ve never done this before and I won’t know if this link works until I publish, so check back if it doesn’t work right away. So here are the guidelines:
——–I’d love for you to follow my blog, although it ‘s not required for the give-away. You can sign up to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, email or an RSS feed-see the tabs to the left. Please know that if you decide you’re not into my blog, just unfollow me, no big deal. I can’t really tell who has dropped either. And I don’t cry in my beer when a follower drops! I do the same thing on blogs I am no longer into.
——–You have until May 28 to enter. You enter by clicking on the Rafflecopter link below.
——–Re-post to Facebook or other social media if you’d like-the more the merrier!
——–Just leave a comment. If you don’t know what to say, just vote for your favorite of my two vacations-downtown Chicago or Alaska by cruise ship!
——–Rafflecopter will randomly choose the winner and I will announce it on the blog. I have read that sometimes you can’t tell how to contact the winner, so…
——–Be sure to check back to see if you won. If the winner does not respond by June 4th, Rafflecopter will choose another winner.
I will ship the book to you wherever you live-even overseas! I’m happy to share my book with you. So here’s the link to click on to enter. Oh I hope this works…..
NOTE: I’ve removed the link for Rafflecopter-I never got it to work. Please just leave a message below and you’ll be in the drawing. If you don’t know what to say, tell me about your most unusual quilting tool or……..which vacation sounds better-Chicago or Alaska?
Hi Jenny, I love following your blog by email! I did click into the Rafflecopter but it isn’t working quite the usual way, so not sure if I am entered or not. Have fun on your vacations!
I am always looking to learn new things about quilting. I really need to retake one of your classes to brush up on my FMQ. Plus I have always wanted to cruise Alaska looks fun.
Hi Jenny,
I want to participate in your give away of the book The Improv Handbook for Modern Quilters: A Guide to Creating, Quilting, and Living Courageously by Sherri L. Wood.
I receive your e-mails and enjoy reading about what you are doing. I took one of you classes at the Houston Quilt Festival last year. I loved it. I often take the practice piece we did in your class. :-)
Personally, I’d go to Chicago, since i was born there and haven’t been back since I was a toddler — over 60 years now! I’ve cruised Alaska and loved it, so I wouldn’t turn down that trip, either. ;)
Going “Modern”…how exciting! Very kind of you to share your ‘oops’ duplicate purchase…Looking forward to see what you might design, perhaps something to enter in our Guild’s Quilt Show?
How much easier it would be to comment on two quilts instead of two vacations. :-) Just so quilts come out of the vacation experiences…
The only hot link tells me I have no entries and gives the option to log out. Then the opportunity to log in appears, which I did. It seems to be on a repeat of the two screens cycle.
Hey there!!! This looks like an awesome book and the Alaskan trip is a dream of mine, too! Also, I’m a “follower”…….Fb & blog!!!!! Hugs………………….
Hi, my choice would be believe it or not, Chicago! So many interesting places to see, the stores galore!
Thank you for the opportunity to win. This is one I would really really like! [email protected]
I tried to enter the giveaway. I entered my email address and it says, “You have 0 entries.” I’m not sure what to do, but I’d sure like a chance to win this book! It looks like a great giveaway. Thank you.
I couldn’t cast my vote on Rafflecopter. I linked to their site, but there was not a spot to pick between Chicago and Alaska.
Going to see your son is the ONLY reason to go to Chicago. Alaska sounds like a vacation with much less stress. Enjoy both trips.
Rafflecopter is not working. I would love to win a copy of the book.
Hi Jenny! I am a follower by email. How fun that you have turned your oopsie into a giveaway! I would definitely choose Alaska! My daughter and son-in-law, and three grandbabies, are currently stationed in Kodiak. If I had the opportunity, I would jump at the chance to see them and tour Alaska!
Well I went on and put in my name and email in so maybe I am entered. If so, good luck to me. I didn’t go on to create my own raffle but didn’t figure I had to do that.
Your vacations sound like fun – now if you are looking for someone to carry your bags . . . I’m your gal. if not, and I fear that is the case, you have a great time without me. I love cruises and Chicago and the area you are headed to sounds quite wonderful. Do have a wonderful time.
The Alaskan cruise for sure! Would go again in a heart beat.
I think entered on Rafflecopter, but am not sure. I’ve only ever tried to drive past Chicago, and never succeeded (I’ve decided there’s a massive magnet in the harbour) so going there on purpose, when not annoyed, would be a nice “reset”!
Your giveaway is a thoughtful gesture….thanks for the opportunity to own the book. Wanted to say….if this is your first Alaska cruise…..I understand your decision not to take an excursion….however…….I lead many, many quilters cruises and have done a lot of excursions… of the ver best is the steam train ride in Skagway……..AND a whale watching on a small boat. I chose one that guaranteed seeing whales or your money back….was afraid they’d pull out a stuffed one if we didn’t see whales….but nope…..we saw several pods and some had babies…..totally cool!!! Enjoy…
Well, I’ve been to Chicago, and I guess I’m in the minority, but I have no desire to see Alaska. I love the area I live in (Hudson Valley of New York State) and am content with what this area has to offer. But I do love quilting books and would love to win a new one! Enjoy your trips!
I think I entered, so here’s my decision on a trip. I choose Chicago, because I love the art museum there and the Magnificent Mile. Plus, it’s close to Oak Park and the Frank Lloyd Wright home. And then there’s that waterfront.
Hi Jenny… definitely think you will not want to miss the Alaskan cruise. So many improbable things happen that are life changing surprises – and I am talking about whale sightings, the beauty of the waterfowl and mammals that are evident all along the way. Well, that’s my vote… see you online later. Would love to add the book to our Textile Design program at St. Lawrence College.
I’d love to go to Alaska.
I have the book, so don’t need to enter. I agree, it is a totally cool book.
I would definitely take the Alaskan cruise. Its something on my “to-do” list.
For me the Alaska trip would win hands down – it looks so beautiful!
Alaska cruise would be my choice.
I think a cruise to Alaska would be awesome, and give you lots of ideas for artwork! Thanks for a chance at the drawing, I couldn’t leave a message on rafflecopter.
LeeAnna Paylor
my email is leeannaquilts at gmail dot com
Hi Jenny, An Alaskan cruise has been on my bucket list. Good to know how much you enjoy them. An unusual tool I use often when longarming is a needle puller I was gifted by my cousin in Holland, also a quilter :0) I’ve never seen one here in the states. Enjoy your time off! Hope you make it to Chico again, Jo
My entry is in! Would love to win a new book.. I vote for Alaska since I am going over Labor Day weekend, and this will be our third time. But, a chance to spend time and visit with a child- in a wonderful city- that is very special too!
Of course, I follow you by email! We loved our cruise/tour of Alaska in 2004–would go back again. Chicago in summer would be fun, especially being downtown and able to walk to places. This book will expand my horizons–thanks for the chance!
I’ve done the Alaskan cruise so I would have to choose Chicago.
I would LOVE to go on an Alaskian cruise!! It’s on both of our (me and the hubs) bucket lists!! Love your blog, been following along through email feeds!!
Still working on my “homework” from your recent class here and doing better each time (and have learned a lot about my machine as an extra bonus). Love the pictures of your B/W quilt and can’t wait to see it in person!
Your blogs and photos always inspire me to try my best. I think Chicago is an exciting city. How lucky to have family there!
This looks like a great book, would love to win it!
I am so inspiried by this modern quilt movement. Love it. Gotta have the book :) Teri Green
Oh, I would love to have the book! I definitely would go to Chicago….. I love that city, as there is so much to do there.
Linda Feutz
I’m currently working on my first modern quilt and could use a helpful book . thanks for the giveaway.
annette parsons
Hi Jenny, that is so generous of you, it looks to be an interesting book, I fully understand how you duplicated it, mind on so many things. Your Blog is just great so thank you for sharing with us all, I also love the work you do. Amazing stuff. Keep on doing it. Many thanks for chance to win.
Thought I entered the drawing but managed to join Raffflecopter. They kindly deleted me from their list of enrollees. I’d go to Alaska. Wish I was strong enuf to do the hiking. Hope you enjoy both your trips.
Mary Helen in OR
Sorry to hear about Basset Boy. The book sounds like a keeper, would love to have it. My vote is for Alaska even though we have been there four times before. Still lots to see and do. Taku Glacier, helicopter trip to Mendenhall Glacier, watch the bears fish – the peak is in July. Recently learned there is a lodge at the end of the road through Denali and you can stay there and hike and enjoy the wildlife. That’s on our bucket list now.
I follow you via email.
Hi Jenny,
I’m throwing my name in the hat for the book–it looks like it’s full of fun stuff. I miss seeing you frequently!
I just found you and this is the first email I have received. I am looking forward to learning from you.
I would choose Chicago because I lived there for five years while my husband was in grad school in the 60’s. I would love to see how much has changed.
I love following you on Facebook!
Love Chicago–but maybe not in the summer! Alaska sounds so beautiful!
Love Sherri’s work! Enjoy some live music in chi town~