And we have a winner!
The Give-Away closed last night and Kathy Moran is the winner! I’ll be sending the book out today for your enjoyment Kathy. I used the Random Number Generator to choose the comment number for me-pretty nifty little tool.

I want you to know that I did read each of your comments and enjoyed them immensely! It’s fun to hear your opinions about Chicago vs Alaska and there were some interesting reasons for the preference. And thank you for writing about your most unusual quilting tool too. I did not respond to the comments because that would have muddied the waters for choosing a winner from the comments.
This was my first give-away. I’ll have more to come but the whole Rafflecopter thing did not work-sorry! This was fun and I’ll do it again.
Have a great weekend!
Congrats to Kathy!
And thank you, Jenny, for a fun contest!
Your welcome Laura-gonna do it again!
I’m so excited! I am interested in modern quilts so this will be fun. And, my daughter Lisa likes them too so I can share with her. So, Jenny- which vacation won the most votes?
Alaska by far but the Chicago votes were pretty passionate! You will enjoy the book Kathy.
Hi, Jenny. I’ve been AWOL from the Internet lately and missed your earlier post, but I’m curious about what the whole Alaska-vs-Chicago debate was about. I don’t see anywhere that I can click to view an earlier post or access your blog archives on your new blog layout. Am I missing it somewhere?
Ack. I see what you mean. You can search the site from the search bar, second box on the left panel, but no way to directly access earlier posts. Every single thing I add costs money, sigh. I do need that though-thank you for letting me know.
|I have two vacations coming up-one to Chicago to see my son and his girlfriend and an Alaskan cruise. In order to be entered in the give-away I asked for a comment. For those that didn’t know what to say I said just vote on which would be your favorite-Chicago or Alaska. The opinions surprised me!