I’m in Napa right now at the inaugural Craft Napa. I am super excited about this new venue and concept. I can feel the excitement building from the social media posts of students and teachers alike. I’ll be sure to write about it after I catch up upon my return.

Like any major teaching event there is lots of prep work. I offered students the option of a kit with their quilt sandwiches and most took the offer. That does make for a lot of stuff to carry.

We need rain so desperately in California but did it have to come during Craft Napa?
I have so many changes coming up I’m going to list them:
- Registration is open for IQF Chicago, April 7-9, 2016. You can see the catalogue here. I’ll be teaching: Yes You CAN Free Motion Quilt!, Fearless Free Motion Fills for the Modern Quilter, Fantastic Free Styling Feathers and Fearless Free Motion Fills and Frills.
- My oldest son is getting married in October! They’ve only been dating since the beginning of their Freshman year at UC Irvine 10 years ago-they hardly know each other, grin. The wedding will be in Chicago so that will be fun. I don’t know yet whether there is a quilt involved…. Whoa-I am gaining a daughter-in-law! We are thrilled in every way.
- Our whole house remodel is finally moving forward. That is good news. But all of a sudden it’s upon us. The contractor will start on or a little before Feb 1.
- That means we need a place to stay for 6 months. This is not an easy thing for us. My business/quilting takes up 3 bedrooms so it’s not like we can hole up in an extended stay for the duration. We needed a house. Try to find someone who wants to rent a house for 6 months-that is no easy task. I am thrilled that we found a lovely home 3 minutes away-wahoo!
- We need to move in 2 weeks! In the next 11 days I am either traveling or teaching for 8 days. This is a complex move-some items will be tossed, others stored at the house, some stored in a pod, others donated and the rest to the rental. I’ve done 6 corporate moves with 2 children in tow and this feels more complex than any before it.
- Now let’s make this more complex: I fractured a bone in my little toe 3 weeks ago. I initially did not have it x-rayed because there’s really not a lot to do about a toe. I was still in pain 3 weeks out and my doctor had me x-rayed to make sure there wasn’t anything troubling in there. It’s a simple fracture and will heal fine; it’s just that it will take probably another 2 weeks until the pain goes away. It’s not excruciating, just bothersome. So, let’s move with a broken toe-how fun!
- Hubby has been retired for 5 years and he is taking on a temporary part-time position locally. Maybe this will help with the remodeling costs, grin.
This is going to be interesting. My blog posts may reflect all the chaos. But every one of those “changes” (except the toe) is a very good change. I am so excited about the remodel and the possibilities. Just to think that I could have all my sewing in 2 adjoining rooms, with real storage and real furniture…be still my heart! How blessed am I that a son is getting married, I’m teaching at Craft Napa and IQF Chicago, getting a whole house remodel, renting a lovely home just minutes away and have a robust career teaching what I love? It’s all good.
Everything will work out. A new studio–so good!
Oh I know Barbara, it will just be so painful in the meantime. I am so looking forward to the end result.
Movin’ on up! And out! I’m sorry about the toe. I empathize — I broke my wrist Dec. 3. I’m still wearing a cumbersome “Immobilizer” which makes it hard to type, cut with a scissors, and other necessary things.
Anyway — we’ll both get through it.
NO! And you are doing 30 works in 30 days with that? You are a trooper Martha!
Wow, Girl! Just…Wow!
Well Laura we’ll see if this continues to be a “wow” and doesn’t move into something negative, giggle!
Best wishes for all your good changes and the healing of your toe. It all sounds really positive. :D
Thank you Betty Jo-it really is all good, an embarrassment of blessings, really!
It’s all good. Just roll with the punches.
Thank you Debbie. Rolling with the punches is not my strong suit so I need to up my game!
The cool, calm you was at Craft Napa today! You living an exciting life! Good luck and take a breather now and again! Loved chatting with you at this new art venue!
Thank you Loretta-it was nice to see you again. Wasn’t Craft Napa the BEST?
You are one crazy lady, doncha know?! I’m keeping all your craziness in my prayers so you survive it with that beautiful smile still on your face. Oh — and 2016 must be the year for wonderful new DIL’s… Congratulations!
Thank you Margaret-I need them! Here’s to new DIL’s!
Oh my goodness Jenny! I thought you were being a bit over dramatic about the house reno, but it certainly sounds very involved! I have done a lot of National and International moves but I agree that yours sounds like a doozy. Our house is being painted right now but it’s only a minor inconvenience and I adore the color! Can’t wait to rearrange furniture and worry over a rug in the great room and maybe reupholster a piece or two. I hope you will keep us up on what it happening – it sounds exhausting but oh so exciting as well. ;-D
I’ll slog through this process Debbie and at the end, I get a studio!!