Folsom Quilt and Fiber Guild Show 2016-The Big Quilt Room
And on to the Big Quilt Room:

Best of Show went to Donna Dale with this beautiful piece quilted by Lin Squires. Donna started with a Primitive Gatherings pattern and incorporated wool and inking into the top. It was just so exquisitely done, a heartfelt quilt.

Karla worked on this quilt on three continents and three cruises over three years! It is so cheerful and light hearted-it evoked a smile from me.

This is the first group quilt by the guild’s small art quilt group and was made for their boutique basket. Thirteen members worked on this quilt which I thought both artful and charming.

Ester does exquisite applique. She used patterns from the New York Metropolitan Museum and added her own twist. Much prettier than my photo shows. Beautifully quilted by hand.

The same maker made this using her fabric stash. Ester started with some Karen Stone paper pieced patterns and came up with her own unique setting. She machine quilted this piece-multi-talented!

Joanne started this quilt in 2010 with an internet group and quilted it on a Tin Lizzie. I enjoyed her setting choices and colors.

Debi paper pieced this-love that chartreuse in there with the reds and browns. Really well pieced too.

I never tire of log cabins and I thought this was a particularly nice setting.

Detail of the feathers which I loved!

Barbara made a few changes to Margaret Fullman’s “Quilted Kaleidoscope”. Lovely choices and fussy cut piecing.

I am part of the Sisters in Stitches small group. I had a very small part in making this quilt which was part of our boutique donation and made someone very happy!

Loved this unique quilt! Janet adapted this from a book of Modern quilts and made this for her brother-in-law.

Judit based her quilt on the Cathedral Square and Road to Paradise blocks. She took her color cues from the colors of late summer and Native American culture. Her setting and color choices were both unique and interesting.

This is Carol’s first quilt and she quilted it herself! She used 20 pockets from 20 shirts. But here’s the real story: Carol was mentored by her daughter Diane Wilhelms who was mentored by her Grandmother (Carol’s Mother) Lenore Dean.

And here we have 4 generations! Lenore is an original founding member of the Folsom Quilt and Fiber Guild (1985!) and her Daughter Carol and Granddaughter Diane are active members of the guild also. How cool is that?

Tish worked from the Moroccan Tiles pattern by Southwind Designs and it involved a bit of fabric folding to achieve the intricate design.

This is such a cool quilt, an original design that Marie created in response to the Michael Miller challenge. It is so much better than my photo shows. What a clever use of varied quilting designs without overdoing it.

Sandi used a jelly roll she got in Jenny Doan’s home town of Hamilton, Missouri. I love all those bubbles!! I’m guessing Sandi was pretty bubbled out when she finished this.

Sandi received the ribbon for Best Computerized Quilting. It is based on a photo of a pattern in a magazine. Sandi knows how to quilt extensively without detracting from the quilt. It’s a beautiful and striking quilt.

Barbara choice of fabric reflects her home in the Arizona Sonoran desert. She made the cacti fabric she found at Thistle Dew into this One-Block Wonder. This is one of the best OBW I have seen. It was particularly clever to add that diagonal pink interrupted stripe and I love the fluttery white patches too.

What fun it much have been to work with all these fabrics in such a playful quilt! I’m thinking Sharon has quite the stash.

Another quilt that looks so much better than the photo. I am a sucker for a whole cloth and this was stunning. I’m not exactly sure of the fabric content but I’m pretty sure it was silk. It had such a lovely sheen.
As always I took some lousy photos of some really great quilts that I did not post due to the quality of the image. I think I have figured out that my smart phone actually takes better photos than my camera!
I hope you enjoyed your tour of the Folsom Quilt and Fiber Guild Show. I’m off to QuiltCon in Pasadena today! I’ll be linking up with Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday.
Jenny. .your pictures are great but I really appreciate thecommentaries. It is frustrating.
ng to see a beautiful quilt and only see the name of the quilter or the quilt. Your words add so much. Next best for thing to being there. Thanks!
You’re welcome Joan. I too like the stories behind the quilts.
I guess it has been awhile since I left – so many names I don’t recognize; Just Karla and Barbara Kiehn.
Ah but you would fit right in Mary Ann! We still miss you and I know you have a great guild and home “up there”.
What a great show – such talented quilters in your guild! Thanks fo all the great photos – loved seeing the variety of quilting designs, too.
Oh it was a great show Peggy! I’m glad you enjoyed the post.
There certainly were a lot of great quilts to admire. Thanks for showing us. And I do agree- a ton of pictures with no commentary is a bore. It makes one wonder why the blogger even took them if there wasn’t something special to say.
Thank you for that comment Debbie-I’m so glad that you appreciate that extra touch.
Hey Jen, the pics are great. I think some are better than I saw live, more light to show off the quilting. Loved the selection, you hit the ball out of the park!
Thank you Carmen! It does take time to write up what the maker said about the quilt but I think it adds so much more to know what their thoughts were. I appreciate that you noticed!
What a wonderful show! I would love to have been able to see it in person, but it sure is nice to have you share!