Sisters Quilting Collective Show-2016
I actually went to two quilt shows on Sunday: Voices in Cloth (VIC), the East Bay Heritage Quilt Guild‘s show in Richmond, and the Sisters Quilting Collective show in Sacramento. Both guilds put on shows biennially and dang, they were both on the same day! I was dead tired after a fabulous trip to teach at the Afro-American Quilters of Los Angles, but I really wanted to see at least one show.
VIC was a great show, very artsy with an amazing group of vendors. They do not allow any photography of their quilts to be posted at all without specific permission of each individual artist so, I have no photos to show. I did hit the vendors though:

I got really tired at the show, plus it was raining cats and dogs in Richmond. I actually welcomed the drive back to Sacramento-I could at least sit down. Once I hit Sacramento, I realized that I did have a little time to see the Sisters show before it closed at 4. So I took a few turns on the way home and got to see their show also. I had not been before.
Connie Horne was the featured quilter. I have enjoyed watching Connie’s work through the years since I have been in California. Her work is very creative, varied and unique and she makes both wearable art as well as quilt art. I know her work has been in Houston and regularly in PIQF for both garment and quilt. And I’m sure other notable places that I am not aware of. I see from her bio that she began quilting in 2000, the same year I re-entered quilting.

There is a lot of detail in this coat that may not show in the photo. I know this got a big ribbon in the Ca State Fair. Connie hand printed the lining using various colors of paint and tapping a pencil top to create dots all over the lining.

I love this detail!

This quilt represents Connie and two friends that have known each other since High School. Yes, that’s my finger in the photo-I did say I was tired!

One of my all time favorites of Connie’s-love how the quilting, fabric and gestures of the people create so much energy!

This was made in honor of a friend that passed-such a unique and interesting quilt. I came back to it several times for another look.

I love this combination of fabrics and the log cabin-ish piecing.

This quilt is so charming. I would love to know the story.

Now this is one of the coolest Drunkard’s Path quilts I’ve seen. The fabric choices make this quilt.

I really like the improv piecing and the fabric and color choices.

Jan is depicting the passion of a couple’s love-so many luscious details in this quilt.

What beautiful use of a painted surface. It is so hard to paint people well on fabric. This was a stunner.

I love the whimsy and energy here.

What a joyful, colorful piece!

Each artist represented her own house and they were hung together. This is one of the more unique group quilts I’ve seen and I really like this concept.

I feel the joy!

A tiny, beautiful quilt.
I hope you enjoyed your tour of the Sisters Quilting Collective show. I’ll be linking up to Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday.
Thanks for the photos Jenny. It was great seeing you at the show. The show was great and I was glad to have been a part of the show.
You’re welcome Connie. I admire your work and have enjoyed seeing your work through the years.
Thanks for the tour! I seem to miss all these local shows, so I’m really glad I can visit them through your blog!
Guess I’m your tour guide-it’s a really tough job:-)
I love touring with you to shows I’d not see otherwise! You are right about the “Darlene” quilt…it reminds me of some of the work of Joe Cunningham. And I particularly liked “Dance and Shout” — the subject is clear and simple, but it says so much!
There was some really great quilts at the show. Yes, you are right-“Darlene” has an improv feel in the style of Joe.
Thanks Jenny for the photos and I’m glad that you were able to attend our show. The name of the quilt by Fredi A. Slaughter-Walker is, Gees Bend; My Way. Thanks once again for coming.
Thank you Fredi! I have now added the name and corrected yours. Great show!
Thank you so much for your encourage us all…come on back now,you hear? Gladys Unimuke Wilburn”Cape Verde”
Thank you Gladys! I will come back-it was a great show. And I hope that there are not 3 shows on the same day again next time round!