Still Writing…
As I thought about what to write about this week I realized that much of what I’ve been doing is making samples for my book and writing. I thought I’d share a short post on what it feels like to write a book. I’ll bet what I am experiencing is almost predictable-the ups and the looooong downs!
One fun thing has been that I’ve had to purchase more fabric. I know, I know, such trauma!
I get to play with my new stash for one of my projects.
And another project.
I’m using this as my starter to keep the thread nest from forming on my blocks. I have almost an OCD attraction to this thing. I don’t want to start a new one. This one is so thick and beefy and full of thread and history! I know it’s a little weird, this thing I have for it.
I’m accumulating my projects in the Dining Room for future photography by C&T. The Dining Room table is filling and I haven’t even begun to ready for Houston yet!
Baby Boy is at my side, encouraging me, along with his favorite dinosaur.
And I turned my back long enough for this to happen. It has been well goobered and chewed and slobbered upon. I wish I’d been able to capture the moment of coming into the room and seeing this draped over his guilty body!
Sometimes I need to just withdraw to my “Contemplation Corner”. I get dappled sunlight in the afternoons and I just love that!
In a nutshell, here is my synopsis of writing a book:
Notice the part after “Significant Derailments”? I’m at that point right now. I’ll think that I am getting to a good point, and then I’ll realize that I have left out an entire section, or that an entire section needs to be reworked. I will fix that, only to find something else that needs attending to. Remember Whac-a-Mole? That’s me. Right now. I hope I get out of this loop soon.
I don’t know what happens after this Whac-a-Mole thing. I am confident that at some point I will end up back at “This is awesome”!
In the meantime, I am heeding the sage advice of a friend.
I’ll be linking up with Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday where the links are always good.
Jenny, I can’t wait to read your book! It will be worth every little bit of trauma.
Thank you for the encouragement Heather!
Life cycle chart is great. Seeing your adventurous path, is an inspiration. No worries , I am ready to read your book., as I am sure many others will be. Hears to leading a wack a mole life ,
Thank you Beth! I think we all go through Wack-a-Mole. It will be exciting to see my book in real life!!
LOL! You are not alone. I’ve had the same attachment to those crazy little thread starters. I think it’s just remembrance of a well-loved project complete that you don’t want to let go of.
Great minds… Seriously, it’s just such a wonderful tactile experience, no?
It’s amazing that you are doing this, Jenny, and still teaching classes. Proud to know you.
Well I’m amazed too Ila, lol! I’m busier than I’d like to be at the moment, but this will pass. Thank you for the comment.
My basset boy eats fabric. We have had to sonogram him twice and with the resulting treatment it generally costs about $800 each time. He Is an abused rescue case. and being a free dog, he is one of the most expensive dogs I have ever owned. And I showed Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs for 20 years.
Oh I know how expensive “free” dogs are! Our previous Basset was also rescue and had some bizarre and expensive issues. I have a friend with a sock-eating Poodle-that is expensive surgery! Fortunately I got him before he actually ate it.
Jenny I am surprised a fabric manufacturer isnt giving you stacks of their fabric s to use for your new book……did you try some???
Well yes, in theory Janet. But my timeline was short and I wanted a scrappy look, so not just one line.
I look forward to seeing what you write about — and the samples (chewed or otherwise!) Blessings for you and your book! :-D
Thank you Margaret! I hope it becomes the book I want it to be.