TEXtiles Exhibit by the Texas Region of SAQA
One of the highlights of this year’s conference was an exhibition of work by the Texas Region of Studio Art Quilt Associates. The theme was “Everything Texas”. I not sure how many pieces were in the exhibit, I’m guessing about 25? I got scooted out before I got a second pass through, as I was viewing at the end of the day and they needed to close up. There were no statements included with each quilt so I will show them without much comment. Here’s what I did get to see:

Can’t you feel the heat of the sun and the cool of the stone in the shade?

An amazing piece-love all the movement.

Just enough detail…

Abstract doesn’t have to be so serious-love the whimsy.

Well done composition of the flowers with improv piecing.

Oh there was so much texture in this!

Burned I assume. Really love this effect.

Simply beautiful, peaceful.

I love how Heather’s free form work captures the geography of place.

So much detailed work went into this piece-lots to ponder.

The look of patience and love on the man’s face and the playful look in the eyes of the calf.

Gorgeous color and detail.

Deborah’s work is deep and peaceful to me. The composition is spot on.

Can I have a favorite? This is so different, the colors give me an island feel, the abstract background supports the central figure. Divine.

She really captures that feeling of abandonment.

I do not know the artist’s intent and that caused me to ponder the symbols and figures in the background and the juxtaposition of the black and white shaman. Love it when a piece asks me to ponder.

Century plants are magnificent and this really captures that west Texas feel.

I love French knots and there are a lot of them here!

Yes, the stark and brutal nature of drought, well captured in this piece.

Fabulous abstract of cacti.

Loved this one-oh so Texas!
I hope you enjoyed your view of the TEXtile Exhibit. I think I got about 2/3 of it here. I’ll be linking up with Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday.
Wow, such a wonderful display. Thank you for sharing some of it here. I love the variety of techniques and the creativity of the compositions.
It was a fabulous show Ann!
Fabulous!! Thanks for sharing. It would be hard to pick a favorite.
Oh, it was! It was a very strong exhibit.