Off to Houston!
I will be on a plane by the time this posts-yippeee! Prepping has been excruciating this year and for some reason has gone on and on. But it’s done! Truly, prepping is the hard part. Once I get teaching my adrenaline kicks in and the fun begins. I am a little concerned that I’ve overbooked myself. I’ll be gone 11 days and I KNOW I will be excited to be home again!
Want a good laugh? Let’s look at the things I thought I would finish before Houston:
This was such a small project-a bit of cutwork on a denim vest with a Kraft-Tex underlay. How hard could that be?
This is really laughable. I wanted to have 125 of these, one for each student. I totally stole the idea from Joanne Sharpe-she did this for her students at BERNINA U this past summer and I thought it was a clever idea.
Currently my house is a mess, accumulating things on every horizontal surface. Oh I hope and pray that this all fits into 2 29″ suitcases of less than 50 lbs each. And then there’s the issue of my carry-on and getting 11 day’s worth in there. Pretty sure some of that is going to have to go into a 29″-er. There are still some hurdles. I am too hyped to be tired. But I am sooo excited! Wish me luck!
I probably will not post next Wed-I’ll be too busy to create a post. Until Nov 14….
I will be thinking of you and wishing you extra strength for a wonderful 11 days
Thank you!
have a nice time. I have been there only once and i wish i could come again. i live very far from houston, in israel, butmany of my friends will be there.
Thank you for reading Yochi! If you ever get a chance, do come to Houston-its amazing!
Good luck!
Thank you Sally!
I’m right there with you! I have two more days to do about two weeks worth of prep/packing/planning… your table looks positively organized compared to my piles of stuff all-over-everywhere for my 8 classes, 3 of which I have not taught at Houston before, and am making kits for these. (There are definitely not enough hours in the day…) Looking forward to seeing you there, and have a blast at Market!!
Hope it all pulls together Peggy! See you soon!