Tuscon, Christmas 2018
It was time for some downtime, maybe even a bit of lounging around. Shocking, I know! Hubby and I went to Tucson to visit Youngest Son and just to enjoy the city.

I actually did do a little of this, the relaxing thing. We chose the El Conquistador, a golf-centered resort. When it comes to vacations, I just want to go and I’m not too picky about where I go. I just want to be active and have fun. Hubby loves the golfing in Tucson and wanted to try this property and its surrounding courses.
I am struck by the shadows on the mountains – so pretty!
I don’t think I’d get tired of these views if I lived there.
I tried to capture the beauty of the mountains as the sun set. They really do change with the light during a day.
The resort’s grounds were beautiful! Love those shadows.
More shadows.
Of course I love the grasses.
When these guys get too cold, they turn this lovely shade of purple/red.
There were a few things blooming:
No trip to Tucson is complete without a trip to Loop for some new denim:
“Cash” greets all visitors, ever so politely.
These people know their denim. No matter your shape, they will NAIL your fit in 3 tries. Then it’s just up to you which ones you want. I got a pair in the same style (and size!) as a pair that is over 4 yrs old. I got a darker wash, as I love the fit. They have “360 degree” fit which means they fit snugly but I could do squats and a complete workout in them. They wear like iron and the ones I have been wearing many times a week for 4 1/2 years still look fabulous and show no signs of wear. That is good denim!
Tucson has several great quilt shops. This was the Quilter’s Market (no website), a wonderful shop:
Love this welcome vignette!
These two were super friendly and helpful. It was a delight to shop there.
All that shopping made me hungry:
Normally I don’t do food pictures, but there’s a wee bit of a story here. I stopped at Subway to get a salad. You get to choose what goes on your salad and among the choices were jalepenos and something new to me – “habanero mix”.
Just in case you don’t know your peppers, the hottest Habenero would be 140 times hotter than a mild jalepeno. So the habenero mix is a choice because jalepenos are not hot enough?! I had to try it and yikes, it was hot but good. All food in Tucson seems to have peppers in it. Yummmmm!
Ya gotta laugh-we parked in the “Tucson shade”. This is as good as it gets!
It was nice to visit with our son in his native environment. He is a Tucson-convert and loves living there.
I HAd to visit Sabino Canyon:
No filter there, it’s just that pretty. The Saguaro live only in the Sonoran Desert. This is a “forest”.
This dry wash will fill in the spring.
There was just enough snow melt to provide water in some of the washes.
Such diverse beauty:

I suspect I will be going to El Paso in the Chihuahua Desert in late January for my Mother-in-Law’s birthday. That will complete my tour of deserts for awhile. I may write about my visit to the Tohano Chul Gallery (also Tucson) next week-stay tuned! I’ll cross-post to Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday.
Glad you enjoyed Tucson. Thought I’d inform you that there are 9 peppers hotter than the first type of habanero. The top of the list, by Scoville ratings, is the Carolina Reaper, with a rating of about 2,000,000! By comparison, the habanero is about 550,000.
I wouldn’t want to touch or tase either!!
Thank you Marlette! Hubby is from El Paso and I am a heat (food) junkie! Hubby’s Mom raised Scotch Bonnets one year-they are almost dangerous. We were super proud parents when our 18 mo old son ate queso with hot jalepenos! The Scoville scale can keep you out of trouble if you’re not into the heat.
Jenny, I’m no starter to hot foods. My Irish dad used to make chili and hand a cheesecloth bag full of various dried red peppers with seeds on the inside of the pot for at least 24 hrs. To a 7 y/o that was plenty hot, making our eyes water in the process!
Love that! Irish and heat though? That’s a new one on me.
Merry Christmas, dear friend!
It looks like you had a fabulous time in a remarkable setting but…alas…being the Canuck I am, I can’t do Christmas without snow. The next time I have to shovel the walk, I’ll dedicate it to you! ;-)
Lucky you Margaret! I have fond memories of many a white Christmas growing up. I appreciate the dedication!
LOVE Tucson!! So great to see all your wonderful photos! I taught there several years ago, and had a wonderful time with the guild there, and was able to go to the Saguaro National Park (both sides). I saw sun dogs there for the first time, and took several hikes – so jealous that you are able to visit family there. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!
So glad you enjoyed them Peggy! I too visited the guild there and they were wonderful! I do love it there and had a wonderful Christmas.
Lots of inspiration in that trip!
Indeed Madalene! Thank you for reading and commenting.
Jenny, thanks for sharing your Tucson pics, it’s one of my favorite places, even though much of the desert has been developed since we lived there. If you haven’t yet, I highly recommend a visit to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum west of town. I try to fit it on every trip. Sabino is heavenly too, especially in the summer. Enjoy the rest of your desert tour!
Hi Betty, I just didn’t have time to go to the Desert Museum too. That is one of the most amazing museums I’ve ever been to. There is just so much to do there!
Nice pictures and what sounds like a well-deserved rest and rejuvenation. Remember, you have friends just a few hours away with mountains, grasses and shadows when you need a “refresher”. Happy New Year!
Thank you Donna! Hubby and I are talking about our next Tucson get-away….