Bend, OR – Vacation and Art
Hubby and I needed a low-key get-away and Bend, OR was perfect. We had hoped that one or both of our boys would be able to join us but their real jobs kept them away. That is a Good Problem! We rented the same house we did 9 years ago when there were two boys plus my friend and her husband. To say the house was a little big for the two of us was an understatement. But it was such a beautiful home!
Even the drive up and back was pretty:
I set up my machine in the dining area and had the most lovely view of the Deschutes River and Drake Park beyond:
Throughout the day there were lots of stand-up paddleboarders, rafters, tubers and occasionally a swimmer. The current was swift and the water cold. Assorted ducks and geese hung out too so there was always something to entertain me when I was quilting. I brought along Trapunto From Hell and made some good progress.
Hubby golfed two of our days and I had no trouble entertaining myself. We only had one car so I dropped Hubby off and then went and did my thing. This was the view on one of the golf day drives:
We went together to Sisters and of course I had to visit the Stitchin’ Post!
We were there before the Quilt Show and actually left the day the show started. This was pure coincidence as we planned this trip spur-of-the-moment. Sisters has so much pretty landscaping, as did Bend:
I don’t normally write about food or do food pictures, but this breakfast at Chow in Bend was memorable:
This is the ultimate Jenny Breakfast: scrambled eggs, crab patty (ALL crab, no filler) with a divine white wine sauce with lots of butter and a side of fresh roasted veggies – asparagus and tomatoes. So. Good!
We drove to Sun River and rented a 2-person kayak for a “paddle” down the Deschutes, but it really was pretty much a float. Our vacation was the week after the Fourth so it was a shoulder week of sorts and there were very few tourists. We were shocked at how few people were in town. We arrived early for our float and were the only ones on the river besides ducks:
It was a beautiful, temperate day. Look at that scenery!
Happy day!
Those clouds!! We don’t see puffy clouds like that in the summer in our neck of the woods. That was a treat.
We also visited nearby Benham Falls which was raging!
And on anther day I took a quick trip up Pilot Butte for stunning 360 degree views of the surrounding terrain:
The photo does not do the view justice. It was fun to twirl around and see all the buttes and mountains surrounding Bend.
I couldn’t help but take a few grass shadow pics too:
Love that!
My badge of honor for the week:
Of course I hit the quilt shops in Bend. I happened upon Quiltworx, a must. They always have a quilt show upstairs and there was a great one for Quilt Week:
Eccentric Circles, Tonye Philips
Detail, Eccentric Circles, Tonye Philips
I Spy, Two Deer, Sarah Kaufman. Made from a tattered large embroidered wall piece her Mother made in the 1940’s.
Julie Childs – The American Fold Hero, Leotie Richards.
Rhythm of the Rails, Kristen Shields.
100 Blocks, Sally Rogers.
And lookie who I ran into while visiting the amazing BJ’s Quilt Shop:
Bad photo, I know, but it was great to see Melinda Bula teaching at BJ’s. Waaaaay back in the early century, “Mindy” as we knew her was a rising star in my home guild, the Folsom Quilt and Fiber Guild. Mindy has gone on the the Rock Star Hall of Quilting Fame and we are proud.
And that wasn’t all the art I saw! At Liberty Arts Collaborative had a great exhibit: Divergence, “a group exhibition that explores the artistic strategies of eight artists who work in different ways and investigate a variety of subjects, but also share an affinity for elegance, technical skill and design“.
Eres Un Ciudadano, Susan Rochester. Digital photo on fabric.
Detail, Eres Un Ciudadano, Susan Rochester.
Forgot to get the title. Print by Nathan Lewis. The scale on this is immense – maybe 9′ x 38′ or so? Each paper is printed, then mounted with hardware to form the composition.
Sky/water II, Leah Wilson. This installation’s work is based on changes in an ecosystem over time. She recorded both the sky and creek from the same vantage point. There were about 4 pairs of these, the left being of the sky and right of the water, same spot.
Specimens: Ibis, Frank Miller. This series explores the tension between attraction and revulsion. These are photos of “old and awkwardly presented zoological specimens”. I was first drawn to the beauty of the line and when I got up close, realized it was a dead bird. Yes, attraction and revulsion.
Birds of American #2, Kirsten Furlong. Furlong is interested in man’s impact on the environment and intends to create a sense of loss and longing. Her work was very detailed.
Shifting Migration II, Tallmadge Doyle. Print. Doyle’s work explores changes in the environment, especially migrations.
Hackleman Creek Cutthroat, Annalee Fuentes. This is a huge painting, maybe 5′ x 8′ or so and was a macro view of the skin of a trout.
I forgot to get the title. Hong Chun Zhang. This is a very large scale charcoal dtawing of hair that explores the notion of layered identity. It was very striking and I would guess it was maybe 3′ x 12′.
What a trip: quilting, hiking, art and golf! I’ll link up with Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday!
I am glad you enjoyed your Bend visit. We love it here! Sad news-Qulltworx is closing at the end of August. It will be missed! The building sold and they were not able to find a suitable place to relocate.
Sadly I learned that while visiting the store. I wasn’t sure it was public yet so I didn’t include in the post. I know, she said there was NO suitable space anywhere in Bend, but she is on a mission with a non-profit that matches new sewers with an experienced mentor. I’m interested and will share as I get more info.
It was so wonderful to go along on your vacation. Nice and relaxing for the whole read. Like a mini mini snippet of vacation.
Glad you enjoyed it Beth! It was a slow, relaxing vacation, just what I needed.
WOW you packed so much the pair of you into your short and much needed break, I am sure you both cane back refreshed and raring to go. Jenny thank you for sharing with us I love to see what people get up to when they out and about as I am a stay at home quilter.
Janet it was just the right amount of action for the time we had. And yes, I am rested and raring to go!!
I sure you will use the ‘footprints in the sand’ in the background of the grass shadow photo as inspiration for future quilting of something wonderful. Wonderful to hear about your trip to Bend. I do love that city. So sad to hear that Quiltworx is closing. Great shop.
I know, love those grass shadows!! Bend is such a great place to visit. We hope to return.
Glad to see all these beautiful photos of your lovely vacation. Thanks for sharing the art, the quilts, the scenery!
PS I don’t often get back to blogs I’ve commented on, so if you want me to see any response, email would work the best. Love your site!
Fun to read about your Bend vacation. One more day if driving and you could be in Coeur d Alene!!?
At this point, one more day sounds like a lot. I would love to go to Coeur d Alene! We’ve talked about it and may do that next year. I love a driving vacation – I can take my machine:-)