The Quilt and Fabric Art Festival 2019
The River City Quilters’ Guild decided to take a risk and opened their show up to entries outside of their guild, making it a regional show. It was retitled to the Quilt and Fabric Art Festival and relocated to a cavernous space at the McClellan Conference Center. Additional vendors were added as well as a roster of 9 teachers offering workshops over a 4-day period. Sandra Mollon was the Featured Quilter and it was a fantastic show! This had to be a significant financial risk to the guild and I hope they hit it out of the park. They are shaking things up in the Sacramento region!
I’ll cover the show this week and next week I will write about the workshop I offered and also include photos of my visit to the Alden Lane Quilting in the Garden Show. I had a busy quilty week!
I do have a brand new phone and some of the photos I took were accidental videos and some were just, unuseable. Oh what I can do with a camera in my hands:-/ I have a ridiculous number of photos so I will only make an occasional comment. Here we go:
I pay very little attention to ribbons so I didn’t even realize that the Best of Show for both Traditional and Art went to Cathy Brorby until I had a chat with her.
BOS, Traditional; Wild and Crazy Flower Garden, Cathy Brorby, quilted by Marie Nelson.
BOS, Art; Paper Cuts, Cathy Brorby.
Quilt as Desired, Nancy Calhoun.
Tutti Fruity, Diane Steele, quilted by Marie Nelson.
Zu Zu – Plan D, Marie Nelson.
Tee hee, my quilt, Moonlit Garden; can’t help but get a kick out of people looking at my quilt!
Ugh, somehow did not get a photo of the card for this exquisite Hawaiian hand-applique. Help me peeps!
Two pieces by the Featured Quilter Sandra Mollon, did not get a photo of the cards:
Sandra Mollon.
Sandra Mollon.
What is so interesting is that Sandra also makes drop-dead gorgeous Baltimore Album quilts!
Bat Moon Rising, Judy Scollay.
Stripes, Elaine Mason.
Going Through the Change, Jan Reed.
Death Did Us Part, Jackie Manley.
Introspection – The Inner Journey, Jan Reed.
Detail, Introspection – The Inner Journey, Jan Reed.
Color Explosion, Marylee Drake.
Cathedral One, Carole Rossi.
Flight, Mary Wilkinson.
Injigokiko (Indigo Chrysanthemum), Tamara J. Failla.
Detail, Injigokiko (Indigo Chrysanthemum), Tamara J. Failla.
Note: There was a lot of great wearable art but I started inadvertantly taking videos here:-(
Pathyway to the Stars, Sally Anne Young.
My First Paper Piecing, Patti Lease.
Happy Hawaiian Papaya, Nancy Causey.
B is for Bovine, Jane Haworth.
Dendroid, Denise Schmidt.
Neptune’s Garden, Linda Waddle.
Bride, Maria Billings.
Britex, Donna Brennan.
Little English Garden, Kellie Willey.
It’s All Square, Cathy Brorby.
101 Happy Trees AND a Cabin!, Deborah Ciarla.
Detail, 101 Happy Trees AND a Cabin!, Deborah Ciarla.
Dragonflies Snails and Geese, Shireen Hattan.
Sunflower Gatherings, Peggie Wormington, quilted by Maggi Honeyman.
Family Tradition (antique top), Nellie Nelson and Lynn Cordeiro, quilted by Lynn Cordeiro.
Detail, Family Tradition, Nellie Nelson and Lynn Cordeiro, quilted by Lynn Cordeiro. This was pre-Nazi – a swastika is also a Hindu symbol.
Ecco Cake Mix, Peggy Robles.
Uncommon Bride, Peggie Wormington, Quilted by Pamela Dransfeldt.
Julie’s Gem, Julie Wall, quilted by Debbie Olivera.
A Hard Road to Walk, Marion Emerson.
Round the Twinkles, Nancy Elliott MacDonald.
Loving Amsterdam, Jan Soules.
Miniature Mariners Compass Quilt, Emily Jackson.
Rock the Block, Doreen Diehl.
Fiesta, Cindy Carroll, quilted by Nancy Calhoun.
Bagatelle, Marie Nelson.
Whew! Pretty great show, no? I’ll be posting to Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday where you will see a lot of good links.
NOTE: I publish a newsletter most weeks on Saturday at 9AM PST. This week I will be including a great tip from a master silk dyer on what all I did wrong on my trapunto quilt that I think I have ruined.
Sign-up if you’re interested. Each week I include a link to my blog post as well as articles, tips and more art. To subscribe, go alllll the way to the bottom of this post and there is a place to sign-up there. And no worries, if you decide at some point you are no longer interested, you can just click on the unsubscribe button included in each newsletter and zap, it is gone from your inbox.
Thanks for all the eye candy, Jenny! I especially liked Jan Reed’s “introspection” and “Going Through the Change.” “Britex” made me smile. I dragged my husband there on our honeymoon!
You’re welcome Mrs. Plum! I love both of those quilts too. And Britex…swoon!
Sign me up. Love your posts!
I wrote you via email.
I had the flyer for that show but didn’t get a chance to attend. Glad you were able to cover it.
I figured there would be at least one elephant head piece – I have been seeing at least one at quilt shows I have attended. Heading to the quilt show in Plymouth this weekend, we’ll see if there is an elephant quilt there this year.
I hope you get a chance to go next year Tami! It was great and surely it will be even better next year.
Wow! Sorry I missed it. Usually I attend every year. This was truly cool!
Next year Jo!
Thank you for the coverage of the festival Jenny. It was really great to see you and your entries helped make the event as well. I was having to run around so much all weekend that I was not able to get any pictures myself , it is great seeing yours.
Hi Korey; It was a great show and I hope it was very successful for the guild. You did a fabulous job at the helm and I’m grateful for your perseverence in bringing your vision to life.
Thanks, Jenny, for all the great pictures. Fabulous! Sorry I was out of town and missed it. Maybe next year. Looks like it would take two days to see everything. Fun to see both Denise & Donna had entries.
The guild was well represented! You need to make it next year!