Visiting the Haute Couture Societe, wearable art!
NOTE: I may not post next week – it’s a busy week as you will read below.
I wish I had more time in my life to play with wearable art. It is in my blood, but during this season of life I don’t think I’ll get much time to play with wearables. So I was super excited to visit the Haute Couture Societe and see their Show ‘n Tell. I didn’t take nearly enough photos!
The room was packed for my lecture, a welcome sight. I thought it would be all wearable artists but apparently there are lots of quilters in the bunch.
I’m not sure I have the story totally right, but the woman who makes these from fabric has worked years to perfect the process. The coating was totally clear and the edges beautifully finished. Imagine what you could do with some of the fabrics in your stash with this technique.
Oh I loved this vest! The fabrics seemed Klimt-ish to me and the lace and stitching brought it all together. I forgot to get a photo of the front, it was gorgeous.
This artist showed 3 garments she made from upcycled clothing using the Michelle Paganoonoo Paganini patterns, “Upcycle Sewing Made Simple, transforming existing garments into flattering new styles”. This shirt was particularly charming with the addition of an insert from a man’s sleeve. Check out her patterns, they are super cute and easy to do. I have a few, languishing in my pattern file, waiting for the day when I have time for garments…
This garment started with a blanket and the artist transformed it into this comfortable and warm jacket. It had just enough structure to make it elegant.
Purse made from a German Hops bag – what a great idea! The holder of the purse bought it ready-made, but do I not hear a chorus of “I could do that!”?
Inspired by the Alabama Chanin way of doing things. Apparently the white shirt underneath has a stain on it – a clever way to cover it up! I like the idea of hooking the two shirts together and I love that design!
This jacket was stunning! I have never seen eco dyeing that colorful. She talked about the processes she used but since I am not a dyer, it went over my head. She used several processes to get to this point. I wish I had a photo of her other eco dyed garment which was equally beautiful.
My lecture was in the AM and after lunch we had a 4-hour workshop on hand cut-work with free motion quilting. Above is the class sample I send out, a rayon batik scarf that drapes beautifully around the neck. We use 2 simple designs, free motion quilting, and hand cutwork. It’s a favorite class to teach! I forgot to take photos, something I frequently forget to do. I do hope these ladies incorporate cutwork into their garments – they would do something amazing with it. There are so many possibilities with this technique.
And to top it all off I was sent home with this batch of Meyer Lemons and a few tangerines. Actually I think there were 4 tangerines. Something happened to the other 3 on the way home… My kitchen smells heavenly until I make Lemon Chicken at the first chance I get.

I’ll be playing around with Betty Busby at the Santa Barbara Quilting Retreat next week – squeeee! I am super excited. I’ve never been to this retreat before and one of the things I like about it is that there is one teacher a week, so it’s an intimate setting.

I’ll be in Betty’s “Multi-Media II Quilting Workshop” where we’ll play with “non woven materials, different ways to produce images with them and methods to incorporate them to extend their” use into our current work. She also has a new way of painting fabric and will bring her digital cutter to show how she cuts her nonwovens and other materials.
I am thrilled with the blessedly simple and compact supply list – no sewing machine, just a handful of supplies. She provides silk to play with. Does that sound like fun?
And ya know what else is there – Fine Fabrics of Santa Barbara, one of the best fabric stores I have ever been to. Surely I can make time to go pet exquisite fabric and take some home with me, no? I haven’t visited the store since my son partied went to school there. The proprietor Susanne Chess knew every single bolt of fabric and remembered every customer. She is an amazing creative force.
And to top it all off:
this weekend is the Folsom Quilt and Fiber Guild’s quilt show! This is my home guild and I’ve been a member for 20 years. Isn’t our Opportunity Quilt spectacular? Find out more here on the guild’s website.
It’s stacking up to be a busy few weeks, all of it good. I’ll be sharing when I find time to post and I’ll link up with Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday.
What rich experiences! I just know you’ll have a ton of fun with Betty…and that fabric shop! Have a great week!
Thank you Margaret! I think it will be a fabulous week. Now if I can just find time to pack.
Wow — you always find the most beautiful things to share with us! That earring! Those gorgeous quilts! And I’m dying to visit that fabric store!
So glad you enjoyed it. It love sharing if I have an adventure and that guild was an adventure. Sadly, that store was closed when I visited.