Quarantine Quilting, Week 9: In the home stretch!
It’s really getting down to the details this week. I worked hard all week on my grid work and am about half way through with the bead work. Next up are Prairie Points, attaching the rick-rack and then a piped binding, photos and submission.
I decided to triple stitch the grid and I am glad I did. Those extra two passes took a lot of time and work but I think it was worth it. Let me show the progression and I think you’ll see why:
Single stitch grid. Meh.
Here you can see the double stitched grid on the left and the triple on the right. I definitely felt like the triple stitched grid was worth it. It reminds me of a dogwood blossom. The floral look of the border definitely enhances the center of the quilt!
I love the dimension all that stitching brings to the border. I don’t know why the color is off on the second photo above. This is a correct representation of the true colors.
I’m adding tiny seed beads intermittently on the grid. I love the way this brings in the viewer. You see something there, what is it? Beads! Ah, but they are not at every intersection. It’s subtle but I like it. I had done a mock-up of various beads and my friend Nancy loved the intermittent effect. Great idea!
I sewed the beads on by machine:
I set my machine up for a wee little zig-zag, just enough to clear the side of the bead, feed dogs down, top tension loosened. It worked well!
Superior MonoPoly went in the top and Quilters Select Perfect Cotton Plus in the bobbin.
I had to fix some of the beads where the bobbin thread pulled up to the top. You cannot even tell the bead in the center has been sewn, the thread is invisible. The one on the right, not so much as the bobbin thread pulled to the top.
I was a guest on Pokey Bolton’s InstaGram TV on Wed! You can watch here. We chatted about teaching, cancelled shows, toured my studio and I showed my current work. It was fun!
I have a Big Week coming up. Next Th my husband will have his right knee replacement. I think I will pot, but I may not – stay tuned! I will need to have completed, photographed and submitted this quilt by then. Wish me luck, I’m goin’ in!
Linking up with Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday!
I love love love the grid work border. I like that you used the open toed 20 foot for the bead sewing. Excellent! Fantastic! Wonderful! :D
High praise from you Betty Jo! Thank you!!
Love your quilt! Good happenings will come your way! Have seen you in person at Houston a couple of times and love your blog! Stay safe??
Oh Dianne, I hope we see each other again in Houston this year! I will miss it so much if it does not happen. Thank you for the compliment!
You’re absolutely right, Jenni! The triple grid really pops. I’m so impressed. Can’t believe you sewed those beads on by machine—I never would have thought of that.
I laughed – I actually do like hand work, but putting all those beads on by hand on a large piece…that would have been a lot of work. By machine, it took maybe 30 sec/bead? I like to be efficient.
Hope all goes well with his surgery. My hubby’s had both done. A big help was a bag of frozen peas UNDER as well as on top for swelling (the peas molded shapewise to both); and of course painkillers on schedule (no skipping!) Wishing all the best?
So you too survived Hubby going through two surgeries Breanda! Thank you for the advice and kind words. It will be a challenge for sure.
The tablecloth quilt is gorgeous! The triple stitching looks wonderfully complex and I agree it was worth it in the end. Thank you for giving us all the details and precise information as to how you accomplished each design aspect. Can’t wait to see the finished project with the piping.
Oh I wish it were done and I could see it too Luanne, lol!
Love the triple stitch on the border! You’re right, you went from ‘meh…’ to “WOW!” Good job. And you know me with beads — they are always the right way to go. ;)
Of course you love those beads Franki! They really did add a lot, subtle, but a nice touch.