Two new projects, Quilt From the Back and more
NOTE: There will not be a newsletter this week as I’ll be traveling that day. I forgot to add that to last week’s newsletter. If you’re not already getting it, you can sign up for my weekly newsletter here.
It’s been a week of new starts, pondering what’s next and a discovery. First, the discovery. You probably recall my Turtle Hand Batik panel that I wrote about a few weeks ago. Quite by accident, I turned on the lights above the panel at night and was delighted with what I saw:
I love how the light rakes across the piece and highlights the trapunto and texture of the quilting. I consider what I do on my wholecloth work to be sculpture, and this photo really highlights that texture – I was delighted!
I also made another charity quilt. I am of the mind that the simpler the better on charity quilts – done is better than perfect! I essentially made one big block with fabric in my stash and I am happy with the result:
I used the Quilt From the Back method which is a great way for beginners or those with little free motion quilting experience. I chose a large scale print with an easily quilt-able design and quilted from the back. A few photos:

From the front, you can look like an expert quilter, long before you’ve conquered fmq. I love the colorful fabrics I chose:

Do you see that even if you’re not that great yet, you can look fabulous from the front?
And I brought out this quilt-in-process for another look:
I’ve still got ideas percolating on this one. All the fabrics are silk except some in the strip piecing. It has a lovely luster to it. I’ll need to think a little more before going forward on this one.
And this just bubbled up to the surface and I began to work on this yesterday.
The center tea bags are from Libby Williamson‘s class from Craft Napa last year. (BTW, did you hear, Pokey has a fun virtual format for Craft Napa this year?!). The silk behind the tea bags as well as the border came from my stash and the sashing fabric also, a hand-dye from someone.
It was so fun to play with those tea bags!
I accidentally deliberately put the silk on different grains to add interest – see how the visual nap shows lighter or darker? Check out the border, same thing. Love that! Adds a little more interest. And I put all but one of the tea bags on-point, just for grins. That hand-dye is the perfect sashing I think.
Totally playing here – made a few Applipops out of the hand-dye. Not sure if they will make the cut, I’ll have to play with that one and I haven’t had time. This is hot off the press!
I will have something soon on an Applipop give-away that will be fantastic! Stay tuned.
I’ve been working my tail off trying to get set-up to teach live online. I hope to have some news on that soon. I am legit excited now!
I’m off for a few very needed days off. I’ll be back soon and ready to post and create a newsletter next week. Be well. I’ll connect with Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday.
Looks like you’re slacking again, Jenny!
I am wildly impressed at how much you are getting done.
Beautiful work….and I LOVE those Tea Bags!
Libby I had so much fun in that class!
Hi Jenny,
Can those of us who follow you on-line sign up to take your virtual class?
Yes! Thank you for asking Meylonie. It’s not set up yet but registration will be online. Can’t wait!
Thanks for the idea about quilting from the back. I’m sure you’ve talked about it before, but I’d forgotten. I’m not sure it’ll get me to enjoy FMQ, but it’s worth a try! ;-) P.S. I too love the way the light plays on that piece…but what will the lights do to the fabric over time? Or is it not worth worrying about?
Quilting from the back takes the angst away, I think you might even enjoy it. So the light on the piece – I don’t turn those on often. The piece itself is hanging about 18′ away from an eastern-facing window so it is well placed in that respect. I would not think I’d have those lights on for but an hour or two, infrequently. I hadn’t thought about the damage from it. I have a pretty loose attitude about my work, I want it shown and if it does, it is exposed.