Babies and other pretty things
I’m having fun with this baby stuff! Baby quilts are so quick to make. I have this cartoon in my head that my son and DIL will arrive for Thanksgiving in their Subaru Outback and leave pulling a 15′ trailer full of baby things that Gramma made, LOL! I think I need to pump the brakes, but hey, I said the same thing last week.
This week’s output:
Isn’t that the cutest stinkin’ panel? It’s all pre-printed so no piecing there. And it’s got a little lion, tee hee.
I love those cute little happy elephants!
Total coincidence that there is a Lyon in there….
Who could resist that happy monkey and giraffe?
Now, I hear that I’ll need to make burping cloths, lots of them, like 24 – 40?! I’m thinking flannel and double gauze, is that practical?
I had a blast Wednesday chatting with Linda J. Hahn on her Sew What! Zoomcast. It will be available Friday on You Tube. Check back if you open this up early, I will edit and throw the link in once I get it.
If you are a member of the Northern Ca Council of Quilt Guilds, I’ll be presenting about book publishing during a Teacher’s Roundtable on Fri Oct 23 from 2 – 3:30PM. Other topics to be covered are magazine publishing, e-commerce and social media marketing. I’m on the Board of NCQC now and if you’re not a member, consider joining. We do a lot to help guilds, shops, teachers and individual quilters. The Roundtable is but one example.
I had another 2 days of online teaching over the last weekend. The ladies of the Ocean Wave Quilters in beautiful Ft. Bragg, were eager and enthusiastic students. I did not know online teaching could be this much fun! I was looking back over my 10-year calendar and saw what I was doing 4 years ago. I was traveling 3 – 4 times a month, having a blast. But I don’t know if I want to return to that kind of schedule again; I go back and forth on that one.
I had the most lovely Monday, running errands and then meeting up with my small quilt group, Sisters in Stitches. It is fabulous to be able to hang out with quilting buddies now that I’m not traveling as much! A few vignettes from my day:
A friend’s pomegranates. Mine are not quite ripe yet.
Are they not the prettiest fruit?
Fragrant gardenia bouquet in my friend’s home.
Gorgeous dinner plate dahlia bouquet at our small quilt group’s socially distanced gathering. Um, note the 2 Dove chocolates to the left…
Given to me by my friend Donna a few days ago. It was all buds then and now it is bursting with color!
Don’t forget, I’ll be teaching Fearless Free Motion Cutwork at 2 locations soon – one local (Howell’s Sew n Vac on Nov 14) and one live online at on Nov 6. You know it is going to be a wild time with the election coming, so why not ignore politics and have fun quilting in this laid-back and fun class?
Life can be good, no? I’ll link up with:
Nina Marie’s Off the Wall Friday
Alycia Quilt’s Finished or Not Finished Friday
Oh, I love the cutwork!
Thank you Angela! i really enjoy it.
What a cute finish. Well done. What would we do without Zoom.
Thank you Karen! I know, how did we ever live without Zoom?
Is that panel still available? It is so adorable!!! My youngest daughter is in labor RIGHT NOW!!
Oh lucky you – hope all goes well with the birth of your grandchild Jan! I think it might be a little old so I’d order right away. I only found one place carrying it right now:
I really enjoyed your lecture on Sew What last Wednesday! My first time on their site.
Thank you for joining in Rose! Isn’t Linda a kick? I had a blast!
Thanks, it’s a girl, Emma Charlotte!!!!!!
Ohhh, congratulations Jan!!
That baby panel is fabulous! I can’t get over how much it looks like a perfectly and painstakingly pieced project when you quilt it where the seam ditches would have been. You must be SO excited about that grandbaby! Quilt away, grandma; it’s your right and your privilege to load that baby down with ALL the quilty goodness!! :-)
I know, what a great panel! And yes, I am SO excited and can’t stop sewing. It’s what I do. Thank you for the encouragement Rebecca Grace!
Lovely to see what you’re up to. You really bring those panels to life! As for burp cloths…I’d go with flannel; double gauze might be a bear in the fraying department. I’ve not played with it, but I’ve seen it and I’m not sure…So flannel would be my recommendation. 35-40 years ago I used flannel — my receiving blankets were flannel and they worked fine for burps too. You might also think about a few bibs…terry cloth in a double layer…or with a rip-stop nylon backing that’s a bit more leak-proof. Have fun!
So apparently baby has all the burp cloths needed so I’m moving my focus to bibs. This is so much fun! Thank you for your comment!
You must make some receiving blankets. Double flannel. Tutorial at Missouri Star. Hard to stop at a few because they are so much fun. Be sure to use good flannel so they will last.
I LOVE double flannel and I had this very thought since baby is not in a harsh climate. Also, I remembered when I went out with my babies, I wanted something very light to cover them and keep peekers at bay. Great idea Cathy – thank you!
Double gauze is quite lovely. I actually made myself a sleeveless dress with an empire waste and full skirt (trying my hand at a patternless dress..turned out perfect). I trimmed the neckline and sleeves with some fat quarter fabric trimmed on the bodice. I have to say that it was cool and comfortable–but also cozy with my legs tucked under the full skirt on the sofa. I then understood why it was used as swaddling cloth.
I never thought of it for a garment. Leisa that sounds fabulous and wonderful for the summer. I can just feel it from your description. Thank you for the comment and for reading!
You are having such fun creating for baby though!! I wouldn’t want to put the brakes on either!
Oh Alycia, it’s hard! I may embarrass myself with all the stuff I make!