Houston and hikes!
This will be short. I am getting ready to LAUNCH today. I will present at 10AM PST at the Machine Quilting Forum of the Virtual Houston Quilt Festival – “Easy Peasy Cutwork”. Then at 4PM PST, my big presentation to the general audience, “Quilting is a Contact Sport!”, yikes! If you have heard the lecture by the same name before, rest assured, this is a different lecture. Some of the stories will be the same, but the content is very different. And on Saturday at noon I’ll be part of a second Machine Quilting Forum and talk about “Yes You CAN Free Motion Quilt!”.

Good news! You can sign up for classes until the close of Festival on Sat, Dec 5th. Recordings will be available until the 12th! You can take a 90-minute Master Class from some of the top teachers in the world for $20. Because it is virtual, and the format is lecture/demo, there can be an unlimited number of people in class. I’m taking Philippa Naylor (UK!!) and Claudia Pfeil (Germany!!). There are some top-notch world-class teachers that you can still sign up for. THIS is the year you can “go” to Houston!

I have spent weeks preparing for all of this, the lecture taking many, many hours. I have had some fabulous help putting this lecture together and it is by fary the most important one I’ve done in my life. I estimate that there could be attendees from around 20 countries if it draws like the in-person show did. And there could be many hundreds of people listening/watching. I don’t expect that and I won’t even know how many are in attendance until after my lecture. I’ll report in next week. Wish me luck!

On Black Friday, no way I was going to the mall. We hiked the Cronan Ranch trail area of the Middle Fork of the American River, about a 4 1/2 mile hike. I love the trail name:
That’s about how creative as I get with my quilt names!
It was a beautiful hike:
My hearty outdoorsman son was our guide. He does insane things and blogs about it at quincykoetz.com. Don’t ever do the stuff he does!
This is sure a classic foothill view! I love those soon-to-be-green hills with dots of oaks.
I don’t have the photography skills, but I tried to catch the beauty of the grass in the sun. I kinda sorta caught it.
And how crazy is this scene? We’ve all done this:
Thanksgiving weekend, 2020: masks, hard-core medical grade wipes within arm’s reach and food, lots of food. I sure hope we are all hugging next Thanksgiving!
I WILL have a newsletter this week and it will be full of good articles. If you’re not already on my email list I invite you to sign up on the opening page of my site. I will have a lot to blog about next week in the aftermath of the Festival. Let’s hope it’s all good news! And I’ll be linking to:
I have been trying to sign up for admission for $10 but it keeps saying my session has expired.
So sorry Patti! I am no techie, I wish I couold help. The Houston people can help. Most is recorded and available until the 12th.
Just listened to your lecture – great story and quilts. Quilters are connected and love to give!
Yes we are!! Thank you for listening in Shari!
Thank you Jenny, I enjoyed your presentation as I do all your blog entries. You can relax now and enjoy the rest of the virtual show. The Quilt Galleries are amazing and they sure save a lot of walking. Being able to read the artist statements and see the quilts at leisure and take a photo without getting somebody’s arm or head in the photo are all pluses!
Oh I haven’t even looked at the quilts yet! Thank you for your kind words Val. I am looking forward to classes tomorrow!
Your machine quilting lecture/demo segment on cut work today was very inspiring and the contact sport talk was great! I know the pandemic has been awful for most people, but for me it has been a welcome slowing of life. I am finally able to quilt again now that I am not exhausted from driving 70 miles a day to work and chauffeuring kids around to activities. I can’t wait to try some cutwork!
Thank you Claire, that is encouraging! 70 miles a day? I hope that part does not return!
Jenny, your Houston lecture was great! My husband happened to be in the room when you were speaking, and he thought you sounded very accomplished and polished. I did, too. Your quilts you showed were gorgeous and inspiring. I’ve only attended Houston once, in 2009, and it is an experience like no other. You captured that special feel.
Oh what encouraging words! Thank you! It was nerve wracking for sure.
Very cool way to still *go* to Houston!
YES! I loved the new format. I kinda hope some of it still stays around next year.
Loved both your lecture and your forum presentation today. Loved Claudia’s class also. At the end I wanted to hit my studio for 3 days but the forum started half an hour later…Hadn’t thought about teachers not being able to attend other teachers classes. I really do like the format this has brought to us.
Yes, what a surprise this has been. I loved the new format. And enjoyed Claudia’s class too! It is a tremendous luxury for us teachers to attend the classes of others. Thank you for your kind remarks Rose!