A county fair, a Time Out and Houston prep
It’s been a fun week – I got to got to go to an actual live County Fair, I’m at a turning point on my quilted jacket, and I got a good head-start on my Houston kits.
The Amador County Fair was held over the weekend. I knew from trying to attend another recent local fair that people are hungry for such things and I’d better get there early. Indeed I did, and when I left 90 min later the line of cars to get in was a mile long! They really decked out the fairgrounds too:
And there was some State Fair type food offerings:
Alllll approved by the American Heart Association I’m sure!
This was a true county fair and was very much livestock oriented:
There were some nice quilts. Confession: I am really tired tonight so I’m going to post them without reference to name and title. So many I could not see the sign anyway. Here goes with some beauty:
Love the way the fabric “scattered” the pattern when pieced.
You just can’t go wrong with a basket! It was beautifully quilted.
Doesn’t that just make you smile?
Beautiful design.
Babies get the nicest quilts now!
Love the colors on this one.
I imagine this was a panel, but one I’ve never seen; very striking!
I was drawn to these happy colors.
I chuckled at “Moxie”.
Really enjoyed these 2 art quilts.
And there was some great art work too:
I just love photos like this of children from the back.
And I got started making my Houston kits. This will be a loooong road. I did get some help from my friends Donna, Becky and Nancy!
That’s just 1/4 of the batting. The current state of my Dining Room table:
And I’ve got a ways to go yet.
I did make some progress on my jacket – the sleeves are in and it needs hemming and a closure:
The pre-quilted icky JoAnn’s fabric was thick and a little difficult to sew with. It dulls any blade that touches it and when I’m cutting, it feels and sounds like there was some metallic component to the fabric or batting.
I just love the collar and how it sits down off the collar bone. It’s almost Jackie-O feeling. I thought I would have to petite that collar but the proportions are fine on me. This was before I hit it with the LAURASTAR and made that collar roll perfectly.
My LAURASTAR system was a game-changer with this. It commanded the fabric what to do and the fabric obeyed and held the line. I love how it handled the collar. I had to get up on a stool to reach:-)
Aaaaand Houston we have a problem. There’s an issue with that armscye that I need to fix. Here’s the deal: this is a muslin. It’s great when a muslin turns out well enough to wear. I will probably wear this, but for now, it’s in a Time Out. I am not happy with that wrinkle and I am just not willing to work on it now. I can wear it that way sure. But once you know good fit, it’s annoying to wear things that don’t fit properly. I’ll make another run at this later.
It’s been a full week. It’s nice to be able to work on things like this with a gap in my teaching. I go back next week and yes, I’m excited!
I’ll link up with:
Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday
Finished or Not Friday
I love the Amador County Fair. It reminds me of the Kane County Fair in Illinois on a smaller scale, which we attended every year growing up. The livestock, the sewing, gardening, canning, crafts, tractors, etc. So many talented and incredible entries. I also took my boys to the fair every year as they grew up too.
Oh yes, the Kane County Fair! My Uncle and cousins competed in tractor pulls and I think I went to the St Charles fair as a kid. It is fun to go to a real county fair!
always enjoy your writings. Boy you nailed it on the muslin issue, it IS nice to be able to use them, and also annoying having to remind yourself that the fit, etc. issue was why you spent the time in the first place! Enjoyed your fair photos too, I’ve missed the fairs.
Yes Suzanne, it’s hard to accept less-than-great fit once you know good fit. I do hope to wear this muslin, it will be after I pull it out of Time Out though.
What causes the sleeve wrinkle? How did you learn so much about fitting?
So I’m not sure yet Ellen. The wrinkle will point to the problem. It’s definitely in the arm scythe but it’s an odd one. I probably need to redesign the whole arm scythe. I learned through a garment group of the Am Sewing Guild.
What a fun fair and great quilts! I’m missing the fair since we moved away from Wisconsin. Your jacket is looking sharp, I’ll be interested in your fix.
Oh Pat, it was fun! The jacket is in Time Out so we’ll see when it comes up again.
Thanks for your positive coverage of the Amador County Fair. Hope you and your readers will come to our Sierra Gold Quilt Show on October 1-2, 10-4 at the Amador County Fair Grounds. You’ll see some of the same quilts and many more. We’re so proud of our talented members.
It was a great fair Penny! I’ll be traveling the dates of the Sierra Gold show. I have always enjoyed your show!
Your jacket is looking fun!
It is Alycia!