Craft Napa 2022
This was my seventh year at Craft Napa and this year looked different than any other for sure. CN had two parts this year: an online portion and an in-person part. I am thrilled to be back to in-person classes, but many are not ready; my class sizes reflected that. But no worries, it was still the vibrant, creative, eclectic event, vibrating with energy and ideas. It’s hard to describe the vibe, but just know, it is unique.

I had two classes this year and my students were The Best! Even with small class sizes, I was so happy with the vibe from my students. I debuted Blooming Sheers at CN and I loved the work produced:
We were playing with layering sheers and adding free motion on a quilted background. It is just so. much. fun!
Even the debris is pretty!
I’m so happy with the work from class; lookie!
Oh the colors were glorious! I hope I get to see the final pieces once they are done. I am thrilled with that class. I’ll be teaching it locally at Meissner Folsom.
Start With a Square was up next. Inexplicably, I took way less photos that day. We had a blast and covered a lot of ground. We sewed on brand new extended throat Pfaff’s:
In this class, we start with a square of a larger scale print and then use it as inspiration for the design of a quiltlette. We learn a lot of new motifs and cover a lot of ground. What I love about this class is that each student’s work is unique and everyone combines their motifs differently. It’s a great way to learn different designs, how to combine them and what you like and don’t like. There were two fabulous finishes:
And ya gotta love this:
Doesn’t every girl need at least one pair of red shoes?
How about a peek into some of the other classrooms?
Sheila Frampton-Cooper – color!!
Latifah Saafir – pattern, movement, color!!
Libby Williamson – glorious, creative play and chaos!!
If you couldn’t make Craft Napa, you really did miss something fabulous. I didn’t take photos of the fabulous dinners in Napa each night, or the glorious scenery of Napa. It’s just a great, creative time in January when you don’t have anything else compelling to do. I hope you can make it next year. I had a blast!
By the way, I am still plodding along with my trapunto project:
I loooove the texture of the trapunto, the curve of the feathers and the delightful debris of the fill quilting. I hope to get this done sometime this century.
Gratuitous photo of Bailey; I kinda think she has settled in and is feeling comfortable, ya think?
And don’t forget, I’m teaching at Empty Spools for 5 1/2 glorious days (Feb 27 – March 1) on the mid-coast of California! I’d love for you to join me.
I’ll be posting at:
That bed in your studio is a perfectly wonderful pet space.
And wow, seven years of Craft Napa. Time flies. Someday I will attend to get some of that Napa vibe.
Yes, apparently it is a good pet space, as opposed to Mom’s nap space? I know, I had to go back and see and yes, it’s been 7 years. You would love Craft Napa!
So glad it was a good experience. Count me as one of the “not ready” types (I don’t even want to *think* about getting on a plane!)…but the Blooming Sheers would be wonderful (and I don’t do much FMQ!)
Hope the rest of your year goes well, and that you stay healthy and safe!
Blooming Sheers is so much fun and really perfect for the reluctant free motion quilter. It’s sloppy woppy quilting! Thank you for your comments – I have a lot of in-person teaching gigs this year, more than online, and I’m thrilled with that. I enjoy both and will teach where called.
Wow, Craft Napa sure looks fun!
Oh it is! It is hard to describe, you almost have to be there to get the vibe.