Three shows, one venue – Gallery at Natomas 48 in Folsom, CA
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I was so excited to attend the opening of “Commentaries in Cloth” at the Gallery at Natomas 48 in Folsom, CA. Currently showing is the work of the Pixeladies (Deb Cashatt and Kris Sazaki) and Susan Else, as well as the work of Quartz, the mini art group from my home guild, the Folsom Quilt and Fiber Guild. So three shows in one!
I didn’t get all the photos I would have liked. I knew most of the attendees because I’m local to the show, I’m a member of the Folsom guild, plus there were lot of local SAQA folks. So it was like a party for me, I had a grand time chatting with friends! The exhibit was filled with remarkable work.
You won’t often see the work of Susan Else, as she works in 3D. It’s hard to ship that kind of work so it was a treat to see a sizeable chunk of her work. I regret that I did not get a photo of Susan.
She describes her work as: “stealth art”: the comfortable ambiance of sewn cloth draws viewers in, where they are confronted with the uncomfortable paradoxes of contemporary life.
A sampling of Susan’s work:

From the Pixeladies’ site, a description of work:
“Their dramatic imagery is formed from collages painstakingly cut and composed from the headlines featured in a wide array of publications. The Pixeladies then scan the collages into the computer and have the final version printed onto fabric. The resulting whole-cloth quilt is densely quilted by machine or by hand. Each political statement is laced with humor, making the experience of Pixeladies’ artwork unforgettable.”
The Pixeladies:
Note Kris’ “pencil skirt”?
A selection of some of their work on display. I wish you could see this up close and note all the statements and phrases that make up their work:

And then there was the work of Quartz, the art group:

Locals if you have a chance to see this show, stop by the Gallery at Natomas; you will enjoy it!
I will be posting at:
Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday
Thanks for posting this article.
You’re welcome Frances! It is a fabulous show!
Quilters who visit 48 Natoma on Friday, March 3 (they are not open Sat. or Sun.) can also enjoy the Folsom Quilt and Fiber Guild show about 300 feet away. The quilt show continues the rest of the weekend, but 48 Natoma isn’t open then.
Yes! That’s my guild! I’ll be posting as the time nears. Thank you for thinking of us!
Jenny, I want you to know how much I enjoyed and learned at the class you taught a couple of days ago. My dream has been for me to learn how to free-motion quilt and thanks to your class, I am getting closer to that dream. Still need lots of practice, but I’m getting there!
Mar you arrived well on your way! Your dream is coming true. You have such a great attitude and that will carry you far. You were a delight to have in class!