Denver – again! Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum – Again!
I headed back to Denver for a family reunion, the second time to visit the Denver area in 10 days. I spent 16 out of July’s 31 days traveling, all of it fabulous, but boy I am happy to be home! The family reunion was wonderful. In attendance were my sister and Hubby, Son, DIL and grandson, my youngest son and new girlfriend(!!) plus Hubby and me.
Hubby and I opted to drive. We filled the ice chest to the brim with pre-made food:
It doesn’t look like much, but that big ice chest was filled to the brim with salads, soup and mains. My sister made food also and between the two of us, we fed 7 people for 4 days, not going out once (ordered pizza one meal). Huah!! That resulted in more relaxed family time together. It was wonderful.
I love the American West! It was a beautiful drive, but a very frustrating one! We must have encountered 20 construction zones where traffic funneled down to one lane. It was excruciating. At one point it took an hour to travel 17 miles….and we weren’t in Los Angeles😊 But it was gorgeous:

We were out and about each day and chose activities that my 2.5 yr old grandson would enjoy. The Denver Botanic Gardens were fabulous! Eye candy below:

Within the Gardens are several buildings, one of which houses art exhibits. Indigo was the subject of the recent exhibit and there were some fabulous pieces:

The Gardens were such a hit with Little Man that we decided to go to the Chatfield Farm:
I have a ton of super cute photos of the Little Man, but I won’t show them here. Just know he is super cute!
Every. Single. Afternoon, the forecast was something like a 14% chance of rain and we got caught in some dramatic thunderstorms! We spent time in downtown Denver:

My sister and I snuck away for a few hours to see the brand new exhibit up at the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum in Golden: “Three Women Who Quilt”. The works of Lea McCommas, Sharon L. Schlotzhauer and Jane Mathews were featured.
And wouldn’t you know, Lea McCommas stopped by to deliver some books and we ran into her! We had to do a selfie:
It was a great exhibit! It was so interesting to see a sweep of Lea’s work and see how it progressed over the years. I have seen all of these in person at other exhibits, but here is a recap of my favs:

Now, the work of Sharon L. Schlotzhauer. Sharon’s quilts have gorgeous quilting and lots of dimensional features. Her color sense is delightful and vibrant and she also uses applique, inks, beads and other ephemera:

Delightful dimension on this one.

Now the work of Jane Mathews; this is all work with paper! Jane describes this collection as based on her personal experiences, formed over 30 years of travel and paper quilt making. Enjoy:

Yes, made from take out paper, some even with a little grease from French fries!

What a trip, huh? Lots of art, fabulous time with family, delicious home made meals. I am blessed.
I’ll be sharing at:
Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday
What a treat to “see” the Rocky Mountain Quilt Exhibit, Jenny. Stunning work.
Glad you enjoyed it! It was one of the best exhibits I’ve seen.
I enjoyed the Barbie movie, to my surprise. One of the themes is perfection, and expectations, which I think can relate to quilting. And then there is the color pink!
Thanks for the pictures—a great travelogue.
Okay, I think I need to see it! thank you for the feedback Anne.