Visiting the Rossmoor Quilt Association and my family’s Easter
I enjoyed two delightful experiences this week – a visit to the Rossmoor Quilt Association in Walnut Creek and having oldest son/Daughter-in-Law (plus baby due soon!), grandson, and, youngest son with his girlfriend. My heart is full!
I drove to Walnut Creek (about 90 min away) to visit the Rossmoor quilters. Having had a fender bender just a week before, it was significant that I got there with too much angst. You know, “get back on the horse”.
I received such a warm welcome from the Rossmoor group that all that angst faded into the background. The group has SIX quilt stands which was awesome! I’ve never been able to speak and have that many quilts on display. I gotta say, it was pretty cool.
I was booked for a 2 hour lecture, which I’ve never done before, and it was just wonderful. Usually I feel pressed for time and try to be very succinct with my answers. I was the first ever speaker for their group and they were engaged and curious! There were so many great questions and the time just flew by. I am so grateful to Bridgette for taking photos. I have very few photos of myself teaching or lecturing. A few photos of the event:

Once I had packed up, I headed home to my family. Both boys et al had arrived and were snacking on the goodies. I had previously posted the menu and available options on the frig:
It was easy to assemble dinner that night and enjoy everyone’s company. What a treat!
My set up is that everyone serves their own breakfast and lunch and I make dinner. It works out well. You can graze all day, eat lightly if you prefer and avoid foods that you don’t like or need to avoid, without being obvious. It just makes sense and that’s how I roll.

Okay, disclaimer here. I am not posting any oldest son/DIL/Grandson photos. All the photos I took included my grandson and I won’t post photos of him. You do need to know that he is absolutely adorable and veeeeery chatty! I’m dyyyyyying to post photos of him but I won’t, so as to protect his privacy.
My youngest son brought his girlfriend whom we adore. It was awesome to have her visit us here for the first time! We took the Johnny Cash Trail on Monday:
We worked to get the two dogs to get along and were pretty successful:
His girlfriend’s dog is a Pomeranian mix and has so. much. hair!
It filled my soul to have everyone here. We hope that Easter will be an annual. Lucky me!
I’ll be linking up with:
Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday
Your lectures are always fun & informative.
How many requests have you had for recipes for those salads?
Thank you! I’ve had more than a few requests for the recipes.
Do you share recipes? Ramen noodle lasagna, mexican corn salad, dill salad intrigue me!
My recipes are by no means secret, but I kinda wonder about copyright since I got some of them from cookbooks. All 3 of those are readily available with a quick online search. The lasagna came from a TikTok cookbook, the Mexican Corn came from a guild cookbook and I tore the page out because it was the only recipe I was using (so I don’t know which cookbook) and the double dill salad, I’ll post that when i get a chance. PLs remind me if I forget!
Pet hair, family and quilting.
Nothing better!
LOL! Great comment Judith! Yup, nothing better!
Your quilt jacket is wonderful and I absolutely love that the quilt is the lining. I know quilt jackets are all the rage, but I can’t quite imagine wearing one, at least not yet. But as the lining, just perfect!
Yes, it’s funny, I intended to wear it the other way, thinking how luscious it would feel to have that silk lining. But ultimately, it was a little too quilty for me.
That guild has its act together. Clearly you enjoyed the set up and less pressured time.
Dealing with family member’s dietary needs and aversions can be tricky. Seems you found a solution that works for all. Several years back, I instituted a new policy for holiday meals. Each member of the family – no matter how young or hold may request one recipe (heavy on desserts from the youngsters). This way, they can be secure that there will be one item they can enjoy.