Labor Day family visit and Houston prep
It’s been a super busy week but there are not that many photos to share. My son prefers that no photos of children be posted online; you know how people can do bad things with them. But I do have a few photos to share. We had the most wonderful get together; it was a short 2 days, but oh so fun!
This was baby M’s first longer car trip, 2 hours. She did well in the car and seemed to thrive here at the house too. She truly is an adorable girl, wish I could show you!
Baby hands are so cute! Those puffy little things with dimples; I just love them. M is working very hard at observing her surroundings and I love how babies make all those grunting noises when they are looking at something new. At one point I sat on the living room couch that had a to-be-quilted quilt top of stripes and she loved that!
Mr. L is very busy collecting and talking and moving. He is a car guy and loves all things transportation. We go out on our front porch and explore. This is the result of one morning’s treasure hunt:
There are olives and peppercorns in there. We have a pink peppercorn tree as well as 2 olive trees. I love how the olives look this time of year as they just begin to ripen.
Gramma seriously needs to up her chalk skills:
Moving clockwise from the upper left that is a fire truck, a police car, and ambulance and a caduceus. Yes, he asked for a caduceus. His Dad is a nurse practitioner in psych. Oy! And what, you can’t tell what I drew??? LOL.
And here is Auntie Alie, whose chalk skills far exceed mine:
I do get to post a photo of my son and Alie:
Aren’t they cute? All the photos of my oldest son and DIL had children in them, hence no photos.
I did get into my office and spent a few days doing this:
That is 360 15″ quilt sandwiches! I also have handouts printed up, all 408 pages. I hope to box this up and get it sent to Houston tomorrow. BTW, all the Houston teachers pretty much have this kind of prep going on. It comes with the territory. Last year my shipping costs were $150. Then when I fly to Houston, I carry 2 29″ suitcases filled to the brim plus my carry on and a tech bag. I’ll also have some product shipped in. It’s quite a process.
I’ll be linking up:
Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday
I call those chubby baby hands “screw on hands” becasue of the deep creases in the wrists. So cute!
Aren’t they sweet?