Meet Jenny
I have been joyfully teaching the art of quilting since 2006. My classes are encouraging, supportive, and light-hearted. I love seeing my students realize that they CAN quilt their own work on a domestic machine. I teach at various guilds, shops, and events throughout the country as well as at major international shows.
I use my domestic sewing machine to create art quilts and wearable art. I love to watch my machine stitches create line, texture and shadow as they merge on the surface of the fabric.
My work has been juried into a variety of major shows including Houston and Paducah as well art galleries and SAQA exhibits. Some is held by private collectors.
I call myself the Quilt Skipper because once while quilting my own quilt, I was so delighted by the unexpected beauty of it and what emerged from my needle, that I found myself cheerfully skipping around the house when I took my breaks. It is my joy to create art with free motion quilting.

I live in Northern California with my oh-so-patient hubby. Our two grown sons have left the nest to become men, leaving more room for books, fabric and notions.
My current work is centered around whole-cloth pieces, with intricate free-hand free-motion quilting. Because there is little or no piecing, the story is told through the line of the thread. I consider this work to be “sculpting” the fabric, since the stitches create line and shadow upon the quilt’s surface.
II would love to visit your guild or shop and share my passion for quilting with you. If you would like to schedule a visit, please contact me.