Feathers: New samples, thread, needles and fills
I accidentally sent off all my feathers examples ahead to Grand Rapids, so I spent some time this week making new ones. That is not a bad thing to do – the new samples are “fresh” and I changed them up to reflect the most recent changes I have made to teaching “Feathers Four Ways”. […]
Counting…and a very awkward confession
I’ve been doing a lot of counting lately as I make kits for upcoming venues: counting fabric bolts, squares of fabric, squares of batting, finished quilt sandwiches, kits for students and more. I realized there is a lot of counting in my non kit-making life too: I count laps in the pool, my minutes […]
More about balanced thread tension
Great thread tension adds a level of beauty to your quilt: every stitch is a lovely arc in and out of the quilt, front and back. Poor tension distracts from the beauty of the quilt. I get so many questions about tension in class and there seems to be a lot of confusion and […]
California State Fair – 2019
If you’re a long-time reader, you know I have to go to the California State Fair each year. It’s cheesy and filled with art, fiber, crops, rides, hawkers, horrific food and people from all walks of life. That is one of the things I like the best about it – it seems to attract a […]
Bend, OR – Vacation and Art
Hubby and I needed a low-key get-away and Bend, OR was perfect. We had hoped that one or both of our boys would be able to join us but their real jobs kept them away. That is a Good Problem! We rented the same house we did 9 years ago when there were two […]
Rancho Cucomonga, the Nite Owl Quilters and Six Flags Vallejo
I ended the first half of my teaching year with a blast! I visited the Nite Owl Quilters of Rancho Cucamonga and got to visit a new-to-me area of Southern California (SoCal). Rancho Cucamonga is located in the Inland Empire. I thought that only included the hot and flat areas, but Rancho Cucamonga sits just […]
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