Houston Quilt Festival 2015-Part 4-The Quilts
I hope all my American friends are enjoying a wonderful Thanksgiving! This is my final post on Houston. I have a couple of comments: I don’t generally post photos of the big prize-winners. I figure you can find excellent photos all over the web for them. Also, as usual, some of my photos of lovely […]
Houston Quilt Festival 2015-Part 3-The Quilts
I’ve got more quilts for you from the Houston show. I will be posting just the quilt and its maker except this first one. What a story: This quilt is jaw dropping in person. But the story of the quilt and its maker is even more amazing. This is Angela’s first quilt! Her husband travels a lot for […]
Houston Quilt Festival 2015-Part 2-The Quilts
Now, the quilts! Today I’ve included photos from Viewpoints 9, two of the SAQA exhibits: Wild Fabrications and Balancing Act, Modern quilts, and 3 quilts that are simply my favorites. I have seen several other posts by others with photos of amazing quilts that somehow I missed. You must know that my tour of the quilt […]
Houston International Quilt Festival-The Experience-Part 1
I’m overwhelmed, in a very good way, and it’s hard to know where to start. Maybe with the numbers: 8 days, 5 full classes except one (5 short), a Sampler and Machine Quilter’s Forum (hundreds at each, multiple instructors), 2 Meet the Teacher events, at least 5 countries represented in my classes, countless renewals of friendships, many […]
Sandwiches and Moderns
My quilt sandwiches are now ready for my Houston students-whoop! Last year I was frantically assembling at the last minute because I severely underestimated the time it would take as well as how much fabric I needed. All of my Houston classes are already full except for a few spaces in Monday afternoon’s Fills and […]
Chaos, debris and cutwork
It’s been crazy around here! We are considering a move instead of a remodel and that makes for a chaotic week of looking at houses, endless spreadsheets comparing options, getting bids on needed work on a house we might buy, etc. But my artistic and teaching life must go on-Houston is only 67 days away […]