Give Away: Table Runner For Long Beach
In an act of shameless self-promotion I’ll be giving away a reversible table runner at my Saturday Night Sampler presentation at International Quilt Festival-Long Beach this week. I want to attract participants to my talk about “Fast Fixes For Free Motion Frustrations”.My topic this year is the most common problems that free motion quilters encounter. I’ll be showing some nifty new tools and techniques as well as the best marking tools, how to choose the right batting for your project and more. I’ll also cover the number one most asked about subject-come listen and find out what it is!
I wasn’t able to begin the table runner until last Friday so it’s been a whirlwind to get it completed. I used cotton sateen front and back, wool batting and a variety of threads. As always, I learned some things along the way. I was having tension issues-my machine didn’t seem to want to hold the tension. I was pretty sure it was operator error. Sure enough, I finally figured out I had my thread oriented the wrong way. Once I had the thread feeding off of the top, my tension issues vanished.
It really does make a difference how you orient your thread. Cross wound spools like Aurifil, Mettler, and Superior Kimono Silk, are designed to feed off the top of the spool.
Straight wound spools such as Superior Highlights, MasterPiece, Rainbows, etc. are designed to feed off the side of the spool.
Much of the time, this may not make a difference. But when you’ve got tension issues, look to the spool orientation first, before checking elsewhere.
I do use the gizmo in the photo, the Superior Thread Holder , to run my threads through. It can be oriented to accommodate either cross wound or straight wound spools. I use mine all the time as my Bernina 185 has lost it’s vertical orientation thingy so I can only put my thread horizontally.
If you’re at IQF-Long Beach, be sure to check out the Saturday Night Sampler. And make sure you stop by my table to say “Hi” and sign up to win the table runner!
This ought to attract tons of attention. Besides being beautiful, a freebie gets noticed. I sure would be signing up for a chance to win it if I were there! Hope all goes well!
Thank you Kathy! I look forward to Long Beach-should be fun.
Thanks for the thread tips. I’ve seen that thread gizmo and was sorely tempted. Glad to have a positive review
It’s also handy to have at retreats and such. The Bernina thingy that holds threads in the upright position tends to wobble if I put a mini cone on it so I actually prefer the Superior gizmo.
LOL. My head is spinning from all this technical talk of “thingys” and “gizmos”! Love your giveaway project, Jenny. Hope Long Beach is fun and productive for you.
Someone is going to be really lucky with this runner as a prize! Incredible stitching!
Thank you Marcia-I hope the recipient enjoys it!
Gorgeous runner! I just sent your link to this post to all my students! they all have questions about this in my classes.
Thank you Roxane! It’s funny because I know to do that (the correct orientation of the spool) but I kept on wondering why I was having tension problems until I did a forehead slap and put the spool the right way.
Jenny, how sturdy is the thread holder. I had a lightweight thread holder that traveled all over the table when I sewed. That thing is long gone. I replaced it with a heavy metal holder and I’ve been very happy with it. However, a spool can only feed from the top.
It’s pretty sturdy Laura. I must admit one time it did travel but I think I did something stupid like get the thread caught. But in all the other times, it has stayed put.
Wish I could be there but not this year! I just got all the classes I signed up for at the Houston show and I’m pleased about that. Will you be there? I can’t remember?
Yes Deb, I’ll be there! We’ll run into each other I’m sure! Maybe Long Beach next year??
I am hoping to be there on Friday. Hope to see you walking around.
Yup, you’ll probably see me there! It will be good to see you again.
Gorgeous, Jenny! How I wish I could be there. People will be wowed by your artistic ability, and will want to learn from you how you achieve such magical results!
Thanks Laura! I wish you could be there too!
Ow, that is beautiful!…very interesting about the tension issues related to the thread as well. I will be looking out for that in future, thanks :)
Thank you! Yeah, tension can be frustrating. I try to pass on what I learn as I go!
Thanks for the tip re: how the thread unwinds off the spool – now I know why my old machine had two spindles, one vertical and one horizontal.
You’re welcome! It does make a difference!