Minky Messes
While wandering the vendor offerings at IQF-Long Beach, I ran into a booth that had kits to make a shrug from Minky. The shrug was adorable. So I bought the pattern (Kwik Sew K3717) and decided I would be making one when I got home. It takes 1 yd each of 2 Minky’s or a drapey knit.
Have you ever worked with Minky? There should be a Fabric Annoyance Level Rating System (FALRS): Minky might be a 10, with velvet a mere 8. In a perfect world, you would have a giant vacuum system built into your cutting table, like they do in Home Depot where you can make your own wood cuts.This is what you get with one cut-actually it was worse-I already cleaned some up before I took this photo. And of course it’s vaporous-with the slightest movement it goes everywhere including up your nose. But, I do love some of the nicer Minky’s!
I did figure out a very effective system to reduce the FALRS level though. First thing, I threw the 1 yd cuts into the dryer and let it take up all the fluff from the first cut into the dryer screen. Then I loaded up with 2 lint rollers. As soon as I made a cut, I rolled up all the debris. It worked beautifully-I did not have any on the floor, myself or the table-yesss! It was a “12 Roller Sheet Project”, but hey, it was worth it. Photo is kind of gross looking, I know-eww!
Even with Minky this was a cinch to make. Surprisingly enough, the shrug has 5 sizes so you do need to figure your fit before you cut. It feels absolutely fabulous on! This is 2 sizes too big for me. Hopefully I will be selling it in an Art and Craft sale at a local winery (more about that later). It does look a little schlumpy on my form, but only because it’s too big for her.
I love the luxurious look, loft and feel of this particular Minky-I think I will have to make one for me. It’s the perfect thing to pop on during our mild northern California winters when I am just running errands. Quick, fun, cute-it’s a winner!
I totally agree about FALRS! I always run into fabric drama making Halloween costumes!
Ah, Halloween fabric-surely has a high FAL!
You are a trooper! It looks delightfully cuddly. Third try at posting this comment. If you get all 3, please use delete key!
Thank you! Pls let me know if my site is giving you trouble-I need to know that and fix it if it’s my site.
I have never sewed with this fabric, so I sure do appreciate your tips…just in case I get the silly notion to sew with it. LOL! I love your shrug! I want to snuggle up with it. Good thing you have it and not me, since it is 90 degrees here!
Oh yeah, this is definitely not a summer shawl!
It looks so lush and snuggly! Better you than me, though, ’cause Minkee is a killer!
Really not so bad-just take care of the mess after each cut and you’re good to go!
Hmm? 2 sizes larger, you say? Would that be two sizes in the boobs and the tummy? Hmm . . . I think two sizes larger is still two sizes too small for yours truly, but good job! And good job on getting something done for the show!
Aw Kris, it’s a shrug! You just need fit in the shoulders-you’d look fab!