Playing With Sheers and Wool
I took a fabric dying class from Linda Waddle last year and ended up with a treasure trove of beautiful hand dyed fabrics. I am always jealous when I see “fabric hand dyed by artist” in the description of a beautiful art quilt. This class gave me the chance to say that-hah!
Today I got out one of the pieces from the class, a bright pink wool, and started playing. I’ve had it in my mind to layer some pretty wool over a sheer, to free motion a motif atop the two layers, and then cut out the wool. So I layered my very own hand dyed wool over a polyester sheer and free handed a curves motif in Superior’s Rainbow polyester thread.

The piece would have been infinitely better with a contrasting color of sheer polyester, but I was focused on the technique, not the color, and on trying to figure out if it was even going to work. Oooo-I like!
I was of course worried I would snip through the sheer while cutting out the wool. It wasn’t as difficult as I thought: I used my superb Dovo scissors, put my finger underneath the sheer so that I could feel the tip of the scissor, and angled my scissors to reduce the likelihood of cutting the sheer. It worked beautifully but of course it would only take one little snip to ruin the entire piece. Who says I don’t live dangerously?

I decided I liked this technique and combination enough to try to make my SAQA donation piece using this method. Then my description can say “fabric hand dyed by the artist”-snort! I could also see this as a garment insert and definitely as a wall hanging. I purchased some fabulous hand dyed wool at my guild’s recent show and I can’t wait to try this method on that-yipee!
This is beautiful. I know you are already planning a vest–which I can’t wait to see!
Thanks Carol-haven’t planned a vest…yet!
Another winner, Jenny.
Thanks Marcia! I am excited about this-can you see a rolled back cuff, a collar, a yoke, an insert??
Very beautiful! Dyeing is addictive and I haven’t done it in a while- I’m jonesing.
Thanks Roxane! In the class I took, Linda had everything all mixed up and ready-all I had to do was stick my stuff in it and watch the magic. We used many different techniques and it was a very wonderful and unique class. But the sad truth is, I just don’t have it in me to have all that stuff, a place to do it in, patience for the ones that don’t turn out, etc. I’m leaving this dying to the professionals. I’m just excited to have a tiny, tiny little stash of my own hand dyes.
I would love to see what you make out of this lovely piece!!!!
I think this one will remain a play piece but I’m pumped about the concept of it!
I like the dimension that you are getting with this technique. I also look forward to seeing more of your hand dyed fabrics. :)
Thanks Laura-the dimension is fabulous on this stuff! More of my own hand dyes? Probably not-just too much to learn and too little time. I’ll buy someone else’s efforts and enjoy their artistry in hand dyes!
Lovely idea. The thickness of the wool top layer really brings the piece into the third dimension. I started thinking about using a variegated under layer so it would look like a wrought iron filigree over a landscape or sky.
Thank you Joanna-I do love the texture I see popping out. I can see this going many different ways and yes-iron filigree over a landscape would be uber cool!