Lily-of-the-Valleys are one of my favorite flowers. I love their little upside down teacup blooms, their heady fragrance and their furling leaves. My Mom’s Lily Bed quilt captured some of that feeling.

My Mom passed away a year ago in Feb and Lily-of-the-Valleys will always remind me of her. After I returned home from her funeral last year, my sweet friend Laura brought me a Lily plant. I thought that was such a beautiful and thoughtful gesture, especially since it is a very rare find here in the searing San Joaquin Valley. I knew I had to find a special place to plant it: it needed to be somewhere where I could easily appreciate it and it had to be in a location that would allow this delicate flower to flourish despite the Sacramento heat.

I took a risk and planted it beneath the arms of a robust Heather plant, facing directly west. You know what they say about perennials: the first year they survive, the next year they strive and the third year they thrive. I was just delighted to see my little Lily do okay last year and then come up this year with 5 flower stems!

As I headed out to take these photos, a red dragonfly just flew in and hopped onto the phormium, right in front of me and I was able to capture him here. It seemed to me to have significance-was Someone giving me a message or was I merely photobombed?
It is comforting to see my delicate Lily thriving, protected by the arms of the Heather. It’s kind of an appropriate analogy, don’t you think? Miss ya Mom.
Your garden is beautiful! I know you miss your mom!
I do miss her but feel comfort from the Lily! Thanks Roxane.
Lovely thoughts, Jenny.
Thank you!
Some say that dragonflies or damselflies are messengers. Consider yourself blessed. Perhaps a sweet message from your mom thanking you for remembering her. Beautiful pictures.
Oh I agree-it was somehow a blessing. I will have to look up the significance of the dragonfly. Thanks!
I, too, have always loved the bloom and fragrance of the Lily-of-the-Valley. Since I live far north of you, I am able to easily grow it, and enjoy it, right in my front yard. But I’ll be enjoying it later, as it is still too early in the season here. I am sure you appreciate your’s all the more because of the difficulty of the environment, and the sentiment.
Oh I’ll bet you have a bed of them up there-they just love it there! I would love to have a bed of them but I don’t think anyone sells them here.
Jenny, Your post is so sweet and I will never look at my Lilly or the Valley the same again. Here (S.E. MN) they are so invasive that I canNOT remove them fast enough before they choke out the annuals I plant near them!!! The soil is heavy clay and the location is West facing! Even in last summer’s drought and heat they spread undaunted by the adversities of weather! Your planting is so very special….may it multiply and give you many fond memories. The flowers’ fragrance is my all-time favorite (“Jessica McClintock” fragrance is an authentic replica of the flower and the one I wear all the time with many compliments!). Blessings, Doreen
Doreen, how funny that it should be invasive! When I think back, my Mom did have them in a bed completely surrounded by sidewalks so I suspect she knew this but I just was unaware. I kinda doubt that mine will be given the heat here but I do love that scent too! Blessings back at ya:-)