A Girl and Her Jeans
WARNING: Non-quilting post!
I had a Fashion Moment while visiting Tucson a few weeks ago and I had to share. I know, I’m not exactly a fashion guru. But really, every woman needs a pair of flattering, well-fitted jeans, no? I have such a difficult time getting bottoms that fit. I’m oddly shaped with short parts, long parts, skinny parts and plump parts. I love the way the elegant salesperson at Nordstrom’s put it (after I tried on fifteen pairs of jeans that did not fit), “You have athletic thighs and gluts”. Yes, I do.
When I got the request to teach and lecture for the Tucson Quilters Guild, one of my first thoughts was, “I have to go to Loop and get another pair of jeans”! I discovered Loop on a previous visit to my son and have wanted to return ever since. Loop is an amazing store that sells jeans and related casual gear.

If you’re old enough, you’ll remember “Dress Shops”, shops where they kept a record of your size and preferences and actually helped you select just the right dress. They would call you when something came in that you would like and they’d hold it for you. They would tell you if it didn’t fit and would fawn all over you if it looked great on you. They knew you and actually served you.
Loop is the equivalent of a “dress shop” for jeans. Here’s how it works:

You are greeted at the door by an adorable, gentle, polite full-sized Chocolate Poodle. He is so sweet-forgot to get his photo. So they really did have me at “Hello”!
Then you’ll see this huge array of jeans…
And lots of cute tops too. The two times I’ve been in there I’ve seen older women, young women, skinny and not-so-skinny women and everyone seems to find something that fits. And they had kept a record of the jeans I bought four years ago!
Here’s their promise: Tell them what style you’re looking for (crop, skinny, trouser, etc) and they will NAIL your fit in three pair! Okay, for the girl who has to try on 20 jeans to find a pair that even remotely fits, that is a tall promise. They found 7 pairs, put me in the dressing room and I tried them all on. Four FIT, and I mean fit perfectly-on my odd body! My only dilemma was which pair I liked best.
I can’t tell you how liberating that is! I was in and out of there in 20 minutes-I’m not much of a shopper. The pursuit of a new pair of decent jeans is usually a season, trying many stores and many jeans. Twenty minutes was astounding to me. All their jeans are unhemmed so they hem them to your liking and you pick them up in a few days.
And yes, it is “premium denim” and yes, they are pricey. In my mind, they are worth it:
This is some of my “jean debris”, jeans that might fit me skinnier, some for when I’m heavier, but none of them ever fitting like I want. So how much money have I spent on ill-fitting jeans? One pair that actually fits is worth it.
And “premium denim” is made from premium components. This is the label from the pair I bought 4 years ago. The polyester content means they NEVER bag out at the knees, they stay looking brand new, yet they somehow stretch as though they had spandex in them. Those 4-year old jeans look brand new and have no bagging or worn out areas. That poly wears like iron. Well worth the price! Lucky me that my son lives there and I have an excuse to visit. It would be a little ridiculous to travel to Tucson just to buy jeans I guess…
They fit me perfectly, close to the body with a comfortable waist that does not make for muffin top. And here’s how GOOD jeans should fit-I can do squats in them if I want and I can snuggle up like this and be comfortable. (I giggle at hubby’s golf shirts in the background, arranged by color!) Now I have TWO pair of great jeans-wahoo!
I’ll be back to quilts next week, my Fashion Moments are rare. I’m linking up as always with Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday-check out her links!
I am still working on getting my first Newsletter out and I’m grateful for your patience. If you’re interested in receiving a monthly Newsletter, you can sign up at the top of the page, left-hand column.
I hate uncomfortable jeans. !
It’s a pursuit! You will find your perfect fit-it’s out there!
Oh Jenny, I need to go to Tucson immediately! I’m long waisted, short legged, athletic thighs and a bubble butt plus sway back. The only thing good about it is I can move furniture with my legs! Jeans to fit – never. Loved the blog!
Oh Linda, that is exactly what I am! I just didn’t want to put every detail out there on the blog. These jeans fit me like a glove. They’re AG “The Legging Ankle”. Don’t be put off by the “legging” part-they simply fit girls with “long waisted, short legged, athletic thighs and a bubble butt plus sway back”! And really, I am every one of those things.
Wish I had known about Loops when I visited Tucson. My shirt waist, athletic thighs and short legs could use lots of help. Your posts are always informative and entertaining. Can’t wait for the newsletter. ?
Thank you Sonja-you’ll just have to go to Tucson again! I am working on that newsletter…
They look nice, but at only 21 % cotton, they sound hot. Lots of poly, rayon, etc. stuff in them.
Actually not at all. Old rayon and poly were awful but these new engineered fabrics are marvelous. The fabric is super strong and very lightweight and way thinner than 100% cotton denim is. Folded, they take up half the space of my pure cotton ones. And they skim over the body, not collecting on my cellulite bumps. Once you try these new fabrics you’ll never go back to cotton jeans: softer, thinner, more durable and never ever will they bag.
Inquiring minds want to know – how much IS pricey? I hate shopping for clothes so much that I simply don’t – so I have absolutely no idea. I don’t have a single pair of jeans that fit right now – even my fat jeans from before I lost then gained back all my weight. urg.
Okay, coming clean here-$160. I know that sounds outrageous, but as I pointed out, all my “denim debris” cost way more than that. My 4 year old pair still looks new and has not bagged. And besides, I look as good as I can at this age. A good pair will skim over whatever ails you and not hitch on bumpy parts. With good jeans I figure I only need 2 pair, which I now have.
I have no problem dropping major bucks on anything that is a wardrobe staple. That’s because I would only need two. I’m the kind of woman who will spend $300 on a pair of shoes because I only wear one or two pair each season and if I find a pair that fits, is durable, and looks good with everything, then I don’t need anything else.
I get that Lyric! So yes, $160 for jeans that fit, in a classic style and wash, is well worth it in my book also. I now even get pricey summer sandals once my podiatrist (who is a regular part of my life, sigh) said that I needed to get every bit as good a fit and support in sandals as I do close-toed shoes. Price of getting old.
Is it a ‘girl’ thing? We worry about spending lots on basics, but many guys drop $200 for gym shoes. If you think about it, $40/year (assuming these last four years like your last pair) is nothing for great jeans. I love the expression ‘Cry Once” – though I think I will be cheering, not crying! Thanks for the suggestion. I guess I need to add in the price of the plane tix?
LOL-love your reasoning Diane! You’re right, it’s a chick thing. I know not everyone can drop that kind of money on jeans, but if it’s even remotely possible, it is a good value. These jeans are a classic cut and wash and IF I don’t gain weight, they should serve me well for another 4!
Jeans are supposed to fit? Who knew?
I know, right?
Wish I had heard about Loops when I was making regular trips to Tucson. You made a dreaded shopping trip sound fun.
It was actually fun Gwyned. It starts with the lovely chocolate poodle greeter! I don’t even dare look at their tops-they are really nice too but I’ve spent enough with the jeans.
I HAVE TO GO TO TUCSON NOW!!!!! How could you only buy one pair when there were four that fit you? Are these $500 jeans or something? I think I might give a TOOTH in exchange for a truly great fitting, comfortable pair of jeans. The pair I have on right now have been driving me nuts all day.
They would fit you, really. And you’re generally in the $160-$200 range and they have some trendy European jeans with stuff like silver fittings or something that were $500. It is so wonderful to have jeans that fit-it makes me feel normal instead of odd. And they are soooo comfy. We’re all going to have to convene in Tucson!