Applipops Give-Away!
NOTE: I’ve got my weekly post over here – I had a fun trip to California’s mid-coast.
Sooo, if you’ve been following me you know I’ve been playing with Applipops. Applipops are kind of like well-made washers that nestle into each other. A set of them allows you to make perfect circles in record time with a very short learning curve. They are the coolest dog-gone thing.

I began to see the FB posts of Ellen Rosenbach and I was stunned by the beauty of her quilts. I’d not heard of her before she entered FB on May 17 and started posting these amazing quilts, many filled with gorgeous appliqued circles.
Ellen is currently working on this; I counted, 960 circles!! She’s only been working on this a few weeks.

You might be interested in following their IG page where they share more of their creations.
I ordered my first set and began to play, but quickly realized that it would be nice to have multiple sets so that when one circle is cooling I could begin on another. I went overboard and ordered 4 sets of each. Applipops accidentally sent me double my order – I don’t need that many!
So Applipops mistake and generosity is your gain. I wrote them about the mistake and they said to keep the extras. Rather than keep a ridiculous amount of Applipops, I’m giving away 2 sets of two – a $40 value each. That means one give-away will have 2 sets based on a 1/2″ circle and the other give-away will have 2 sets based on a 3/8″ circle.
Here’s how to enter the give-away – I’ll make it fun. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you miss in-person meetings, classes, parties and gatherings? One means I hardly miss them at all and 10 means I really, really miss them! Jenny would be a 10:-))
Post your comment by midnight PST this Saturday, July 18 to be entered. I’ll post the winners on my FB page as well as in next week’s blog post and you’ll need to contact me with your physical address so that I can send your Applipops.
Comment below and I will randomly pick 2 winners using the Random Number Generator. Sorry, no international mailings, just domestic.
But wait, that’s not all – Applipops is offering a 10% discount to my readers, so if you don’t win the give-away and order on your own, use the code QUILTSKIPPER for a 10% discount.
All you have to do to enter the give-away is comment, but here’s what I’d like you to do:
Sign up for my weekly newsletter here. I include interesting topics each week and it goes right to your email inbox. And it’s not all about me and my classes.
Each week I have a Quilt of the Week, some other weekly thing like Notion of the Week or, when I have a dog again, a dog photo of the week. I also almost always have an article about something interesting that is usually about art or quilts and a short intro about what I’ve been up to and thinking about that week. The header always has a photo of something gorgeous in my own garden. I always have my calendar and contact info at the bottom and I link to that week’s blog post. It’s the best way to get everything in one place at one time.
My readers seem to enjoy my newsletter as I get a very high rate of engagement. If you decide it’s not for you, just click “unsubscribe” and poof, it’s gone!
So there ya go – to enter the giveaway, give me a number below in comments. Use the QUILSKIPPER code to get 10% off Applipops. And sign up for my newsletter here. Thank you! And thank Applipops for the give-away!
I’ll link to Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday, give it a gander.
Definitely a 10. I love the interaction of people. I miss my friends?
10+. I really miss the fellowship/companionship/fun of in-person meetings. Also as a guild program chair for the past 2 years I had all the programs for this year lined up…now I’ve had to re-think everything and it’s been a lot of unexpected work!
Oh I feel for you on that one!
10 for sure.
Oh my, Jenny, I too really miss my Gold Bug Guild meetings, friends, workshops, etc!
Thanks Goodness for newsletters like yours to keep us inspired!
About a 7. Now I have time to work on a deadline project without the stress of fitting it in. And new classes are coming as I have time to be creative and productive. Miss the people, the travel, not so much.
This sounds like a wonderful product, I can not wait to try it! Thanks Jenny!
I would have to say 10. Life just isn’t the same this days!
Thanks for this great offer!
Miss much, but also find a hint of relief…crazy! Make me an 8.
I got 21. RE how much I miss the personal connections, it’s off the scale, because it’s 10 to almost the power of infinity…almost, because (secretly) I like wearing floppy clothes, no makeup, and letting my sewing room look like a haven for a hoarder.
Hey, I’m a 10!!!! So miss all the classes and gatherings
Hi Jenny,
I do do do miss in person meetings. But Zoom helps. My smaller groups are meeting over Zoom either once a month or every 2 weeks and that gives me a “fix” of seeing friends and getting inspiration from what they are doing. Seeing the work in person is, of course, much more satisfying for Zoom is a whole lot better than nothing, so…….my number is 5.
Now, about the Applipops….I LOVE circles, I use a lot of circles in my work and the Applipops look delicious!
On a scale of 1 to 10, I miss meeting my quilting and sewing groups at a 7. I am not higher because I have been able to take a quilt class recently with 7 students in a large, airy room. People had their own 6 ft. table and wore masks. We were 12 ft. apart or more. The uncertainty of what is to come in the future is unsettling.
I enjoy you newsletter. I look forward to reading it on Saturdays.
10. !! We do Zoom text & talk on the phone. But what we miss most are our shop hopping road trips with lunch and our sew days.
I very much miss in person get togethers
I’m a 10+ for sure!!
I would say I am an 8. I do miss seeing family and friends and HUGS! That said I feel very fortunate to have a passion that I enjoy doing every day and now I can justify doing it as long as i want each day.
Health &Happiness to you!
My scale goes all the way to 20! While I have lots to keep me busy and entertained at home, I really *really* miss in-person get-togethers with friends and family, with my quilt group, and with my tai chi classmates. If I didn’t have my home-based activities, I’d be going screaming down the street!
I’m definitely in the 10 category! We need our normal lives back! Being in my 70s the thought that I may not live long enough to see that happen is disheartening.
I will be 76 in November I was thinking the same thing. This does not have a quick fix
The first couple of months of the quarantine I got so much done at home that I missed people gatherings only a 1. That number has escalated to an 8 now.
8! At first I was busy doing all the things I usually put off, but now, four months in, have fallen into pure sloth! Totally unmotivated.
I am so glad there’s zoom now for many things or I’d be extra sad.
I REALLLY miss live people!
10 for me but greatful for alternatives on Zoom. So thankful to have taken Jenny in person as she rates a 100 for her lectures and classes (10 being hardly enough).
Awww, thank you Sally! I can’t wait to teach in-person again!
I have missed face to face meetings, but I am at a 9. I have enjoyed things being a little slower.
8. I’m doing fine here at home, but I DO miss connecting with other artists!
A 10. No question. 10. 11 if the scale went that high.
OMG! I miss my guild’s meetings at least an 8!
:) Linda
5 – I have mixed feelings. I tend to be somewhat introverted, so the time at home has been nice in some ways !!
miss groups 10
appreciate your newsletter, very encouraging and inspiring. All of those little circles are amazing, but isn’t it also fun to see the many ways all of us creatives find to do similar things? It frequently makes creating very stimulating ( tho sometimes – instead of+ ! ).
10-I do so miss my guild and our special sew days. We do keep in touch by phone but not the same.
I really love your newsletter. I love that you tell us about the things that don’t go right for you and how you fix them. It gives the rest of us hope.
I definitely miss in person meetings as a “10”. Zoom meetings are good and really help, but they are not the same as seeing someone and their quilts in person.
I definitely miss in-person meetings as a “10”. Zoom meetings are good and really help, but they are not the same as seeing someone and their quilts in person.
10- and Houston being cancelled is devastating. My extended group always meets up there for girl’s week!
10, ten, two 5’s, I miss our meetings and friends! lots of 10’s….
I miss the community of people sharing ideas, tips, and knowledge in our quilty world. With all the festivals and workshops being cancelled, our community is shrinking, and I hope not lost. :(
I guess I’m about a 5. I haven’t been able to attend night-time guild meetings (too long a drive alone), and a couple of years ago I moved across the country, away from my long time friends. With Zoom, I’m actually “attending” more events, and seeing my friends’ faces.
I’d say a 5. Since I live in Montana and our numbers are low, our church has been meeting since May using social distancing. I went to our first quilt club meeting since March on Tuesday. Our governor has just issued new stricter guidelines since our numbers are rising.
I would say I am a “5” on the 1 to 10 scale. I miss my friends but I am also enjoying how my life has slowed down. I am enjoying working in my garden at a relaxed pace and taking time to sit and read in the afternoons which I never did before the pandemic.
10! I miss church, guild and just going shopping without worry.
(This maybe a duplicate comment, comment once from my phone, but it was acting up :( So if it is please delete one. Thanks)
10 I miss my church and choir. I miss guild meetings. I miss being able to go out and shop comfortably. I miss travel; air, cruise, whatever. I miss my friends and neighbors, especially Miss Jenny of the midnight thread exchange.
YESSS!! Me too!!
I am definitely a 10! At least we have a great way to stay busy and productive with all our sewing during this time. Thanks for sharing the giveaway!
I really miss meeting in person and taking classes. I’ll say 9.
But I already have mine. Just haven’t tried them yet!
My rating is a 10. I also really miss my quilting friends and our guild meetings. We have done some Zoom meetings to bring us together, which is better than not meeting at all. All of this will get better. Thanks for the chance.
An 8 I think. We’ve made do with Zoom, and I’ve been so busy or it would be higher.
9.5! Love those little tiny circles!
2 for now. Would jump higher in the winter.
YES, YES, YES I really miss in person gatherings, clubs, guilds, parties, get-togethers, anything else. And I would love Applipops !!
I miss in person classes so much! A 10 for sure
Somedays its a 10!!! and other days I am happy I don’t have any meetings or deadlines or time interruptions so its a 3 out of 10!
I have seen the Applipops on FB, and have to admit that while curious, I did not investigate. I and friends have been burned by a couple of the quilting… FB Ads (while they claim a US based address, those cheaper items are coming from China and shipping is easily 30+ days if at all). Heads up … you are not shopping at a US business!
They are absolutely an American company and you get them in days!
I think I’m a 5 at this pint for missing classes and in person get together. I really was a 1 for the first few months.i had been working a lot, feeling stressed and always seemed to be running around before SIP in March. So the down time was a forced slow down which my mind and body have appreciated! I have learned that I can make the choice to take a break every day :)
And thank you for another enlightening newsletter?
Definitely a 10!! I can’t wait to see what you do with your Applipops, Jenny. Are you using the Purex Sta-Flow starch they recommended or something else? I’ve been keeping an eye out but haven’t found that kind in local stores yet.
I’ve used both Elmer’s Glue (works well, just a little hard to get them off) as well as pure undiluted liquid starch. It’s a toss up.
10! I’m a homebody and an introvert so I thought it wouldn’t make much of an impact having to stay home all the time. Boy, was I wrong! thanks for offering the Applipops.
Hi Jenny,
Just subscribed to your newsletter, but have been keeping an eye on you and your beautiful work for years. I’ll never be able to do free motion on my domestic, but I so admire you and others who can.
I finally got a long arm about 3 years ago (my 50th wedding anniversary gift!), but your work continues to inspire me.
I’ve also been eyeing these Applipops for weeks. Hoping that random number generator picks me!
I must learn to read more carefully…..On a scale of 1-10 for missing face-to-face meetings, workshops, and conferences, I am definitely at #10—I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY miss being around my fellow quilters. Thankfully, most are engaging us while sheltered in place via Zoom or online workshops/presentations/sew-alongs, but nothing beats face-to-face!
I am about a 7 on missing face to face meetings. I like alone time but darn it, wish I could just have lunch with my friends once in a while.
Missing face to face meetings – – 6. This “downtime” has given me the opportunity to focus on my creative endeavors that I wouldn’t have time for otherwise.
I am a solid 5. Kind of miss it, but also doing ok at home. It does not hurt that my quilting peeps text a lot.
I’m almost ashamed to say that I am probably at about a “4” (maybe even less). I have a wonderful studio in my home. I don’t enjoy driving to events — usually about at least an hour each way. I don’t enjoy staying at hotels when traveling to distant events. When I do go, I enjoy myself. But I guess I would rather be “learning at home”.
I miss in person meetings in the number of 8. I won’t die without them but I really do miss seeing people!
10 bazillion. I’ve now taken to talking to the critters…lizards (Little Larry and friends), tree frogs (Hop and Kermit) foxes (Frieda and Fernando), quail (Fred and Gladys have babies now), bunnies (Bonnie and Bobby), honey bees (Buzz and company) and I can’t forget to mention the hummers……the list goes on. Unfortunately, they all seem to run (or fly) away when I start talking about quilting. Sigh. I miss ALL of you and I don’t even know most of you!
Thank goodness for this great blog and the newsletter!! Thanks Jenny!
Oh my, that’s pretty far down the rabbit hole…which is where I am. I talk with critter too!
I am a 10, an extrovert and even my intovert friends are rating a 6+. I am struggling everyday to be grateful for what I have…a mountain cabin to shelter in. I saw a video of the applipops and it looks cool!
I am saying a 5, and not higher, only because I have a job that keeps me very busy in COVID so I have to sneak sewing in when I can. I have followed some online tutorials, which is how I work out these days too! these sound like interesting projects!
10, Quilt classes were my “me” time and I really miss them!
Think I am a 7…that personal connection I miss.
A 10 – I missed the state show! Now Houston is cancelled. Boo hoo. Just puttering along on projects. Love these circles. Would love to win!
10, definitely. I really want to say 20, but I’m following your rules, lol.
I miss the engagement, sharing of ideas and plain old fun. Also, missing quilt shows, classes and lectures. Hope we can get back to normal real soo .
10…..Definitely a 10! I especially would love to take another of your free mention classes. I wish yhis pandamnit would end soon!!!
I have attended many, many classes over the past 25 years that I have been into quilting, embroidery, long arming, and of course all the software that accompanies these great pastimes. I really miss them! Yes, online classes, live Zoom or Facebook classes are a substitute, but not the same. Hey, everybody, wear your masks so we can defeat this crazy virus and get back to class! Mark me down for a 10 for sure.
About a 7 I think. It’s been good to have fewer commitments on my calendar that gives me more seeing time. But I do miss the time spent with other Quilter’s, sharing fun, knowledge and experience!
10. I feel like I am on another planet and can’t get off. It is very lonely without other humans.
I’m missing in-person meetings at about an 8…I appreciate the gift of time to work, but need the input (and inspiration!) of others, as a returning quilter after years away!
I am anxious to see your virtual class list.
I am making all my classes available virtually. So far I’ve been requested to do my Cutwork class live online and others are in the offing.
It has to be a 10 for me. I miss the interaction with classmates, but most importantly the instructors. I like being able to ask a question and getting an immediate response or help. I love going into the local quilt shops her in Sacramento and the outlying areas where the classes are. Looking around, and yes always purchasing something I think I will need. So definitely a 10!
Most definitely a 10. One of my stitch groups has started meeting at the local park. The problem with that is that it is Texas and when that temps start reaching 100 it is not enjoyable. Would love to when the applipops as I love circles. Can’t wait to see what your on-line classes are.
8- I sure do miss getting together for guild mtgs. & sewing groups, but I really like having time to accomplish several different types of sewing projects. I’ve been taking an online series of quilting technique classes since before SIP started, so that has taken up a lot of my ‘free’ time. Plus, I just bought a long arm last week, so something all new to learn!
Definitely a 10
Absolutely positively a whopping big 10! Miss all my quilt guild friends and quilt shops. I can’t wait till we can all meet in person. Thanks for your generosity! I am working on my applique skills and these sound like they would be right up my alley. Stay safe and healthy.
Definitely 10
I miss in person meetings and get togethers at a 10. Everything I usually do has been cancelled since mid march through December. It’s lonely
A 10! I feel I learn so much from other quilters no matter where we meet – at a quilt show, in a bee, or guild meetings! All the technology keeps me connected but nothing can replace human interaction!
10! I really miss in person classes. I want to talk to my classroom neighbor and see how they’re doing, I want to ask questions, I want community! And I’d really like to win these Applipops.
I would say a 6. I did a zoom class 3 weeks ago on ruler work and was surprised how much I enjoyed it and learned. I have to drive at least an hour and a half for any class, so taking it at home was very convenient.
Definitely a 10. I am so missing the face to face meetings and shows. The internet is great but it’s not like being there in person.
Since I live alone and my quilting buddies live a ways away, I really miss the time together, probably a 10 and need the contact with family and friends. I’ve kept busy but it hasn’t been as much fun as it would be with other like minded friends. We inspire and encourage each other. I always enjoy your newsletter and all the great ideas you give others. Thanks, Jenny.
10 all the way!!
Definitely a 10 on missing in person meetings, We have zoom meetings, not nearly as satisfying. looking forward to the time we will be able to gather again.
About a 5 for me. I’m like John Mulvaney – love being able to stay home all the time without being accused of being lazy or anti-social. :-) Do miss lunch with friends. Loved my first Zoom quilt meeting and class experiences. Hope that continues to be an option long after the pandemic is just a memory.
I’m also a “10” about in-person workshops!
Just want to add I love-love-love your newsletter, Jenny!
One – have had to adjust. The wait to return to normalcy has been just too long, especially with the constant threat of returning to restrictions.
I would say an 8, because I’ve actually had one Zoom class with a great teacher, despite the technical difficulties (watch out for those- she didn’t have enough bandwidth from her home). It was a terrific class, I didn’t have to haul my machine anywhere, I could safely have lunch at home, and still interact with my quilting friends. Finished the table runner top project by the next morning.
See you in September for the CQA online class!
It’s a 10 for me!
Hi Jenny – First I want to say your weekly newsletter blog is my highlight of the week on Saturday mornings. I peruse the whole thing while sipping my favorite coffee. I searched my email countless times last week to find it and thought something was wrong with my service. LOL. I have enjoyed it since I took your Free Motion class when you taught at SCVQA a while back. Since I am a Kinesthetic learner I have to rate a 10 on missing in person activities. I need to talk, see and touch things while learning. Zoom just isn’t the same. Yes It is nice to be at home but I’m retired and not such an introvert. I am very interested in the Applipops since seeing them on your blog and then following Ellen on FB. I do hand applique and machine too. Best to you and your hubby. Too bad the greyhound didn’t work out for you.
Today I feel about 8.5, other days it’s a 10. I hope I don’t lose all my social skills before we get back to it!
I love your posts Jenny, and remember fondly your visit to our guild sometime in the last 2 years.
Stay safe be well and may your husband heal quickly.
Kathy H
An 8 I miss my quilting friends, but have really been able to do some cleaning out finish some UFOs.
I think it has turned out to be a 5. I really miss some gatherings like SAQA Conference and Houston, but I’m kind of relieved not to feel pressured to attend other gatherings. Typically I would be running around so much that I could not focus on an online class, but I’m really enjoying the ones I’m taking right now.
10! I miss being with people. And Zoom choir can’t touch singing with people all around you.
Between 9 and 10. I would go with a full 10 but there’s such a crazy world out there and I have very vulnerable family members. So we have to be super super careful. But I miss seeing my friends it’s been ages and I just feel kind of lonesome.
I’ll say it’s a 10. I retired this year, and had planned to find a local quilt group to join. (kinda hard to go to meetings while working 3-11). Plus a friend and I were planning to go to the quilt show in Manchester NH. We’ll get there sometime.
I give you a 10…I also miss our guild meeting and the sharing of ideas with others
Definitely a 10! I’m the membership chair for my guild so I get to welcome everyone and I miss all the smiles when they check in!
Would love to win this, thanks!
It’s a 5 for me because I love meeting people and sharing in class AND I have also had some great Zoom class experiences. I love working in my own space and not schlepping all the stuff. So it’s about 50/50 for me right now.
Definitely 10
10. I didn’t realize how much I have missed my mini group until we met last week in a member’s backyard (properly masked and distanced). My husband has been working from home and I am having a hard time getting away from the “office.” Apparently, there is a tremendous amount of swearing in IT.
I am at a 10, especially after hearing that Houston will be online only. Hoping there will be some virtual options, though!
I’m a 7, really miss the personal connections but love having so much more time at home.
I miss the guild meetings and my small quilt group Actually, they will get together next week wearing masks and social distancing on my large screened patio. I am excited to see them. This is a 10. I hope you will teach in Daytona Beach. I will be living close to there next year so want to go and take a class.
Oh you’re moving? Daytona Beach was a wonderful gig!
Hummm, probably a 5. I miss people, going places, taking classes. (I’d hoped to take one of yours so delighted to see perhaps an on–line one!) I miss the traveling to see faraway family and be able to do on-site research. But, I’ve got vegies growing this year that I’ve not had before and yard work slowly getting done. I’ve got so much planned that no amount of free time will ever cover. Hate the reason but I’m rather enjoying life.
I would say an 8. Although I really miss getting together with others, I am finding more time to dive into my stash as well as work on some UFOs. ?
I LOVE the Applipops idea!
Hi Jenny,
You know I’m from CA. Grew up in SoCAL. I lived in the Oakland/SF area and then Ft. BRagg/Mendocino for over a decade. Love the idea of circles circles and more circles. It take so long to do make a yo-yo and they are bulky.
Forgot my number 10 missing folks like crazy.
Definitely a 10. So sad for some people who this causes them to be depressed. I am not depressed just disappointed.
A 10, miss the fun ladies, the classes and we have had to cancel our quilt show!
So sorry you had to cancel your show.
Top 10 reasons why I am voting 10 ~
#10. It’s a nice round number. Easy to divide by and multiply by in your head. Or on a calculator. This I can do. I am a trained professional.
#9. I use all my 10 fingers to create quilts and sewing projects which can take 10 days, 10 weeks, 10 months or even 10 years to finish.
#8. I always tell my husband I love him 10 to the 10th power. (We took statistics together at University). This probably should be # 1.
#7. There is an entire decimal system based on 10. Who knew?
#6. Number 10 in “Love” means (according to the great Google data base, and among additional meanings) there is so much love for you among people who treasure and value you. (I always reciprocate. Especially to fellow quilters. ?)
# 5. I love doing top 10 lists.
#4. I’m drawing a blank here. Maybe due to 10 sips of FABULOUS Chardonnay. Almost done. (Not with the Chardonnay). Please move swoofly to nummmmmmmmmmmber 3.
#3. I’m in retirement mode and actually have more time to take quilting classes (especially from YOU. KNOW. WHO).
#2. I so very, very much miss giving hugs to people and fellow quilters (not that there’s a difference).
So, like a REALLY big drum roll here…
#1. I was born in October!!!!
You have me rolling Rochelle!
I miss them terribly!
So definitely a 19!
I give a 10. I miss seeing my friends and gathering. The applipops are awesome. How else can you make a perfect circle!
For sure a 10. I have been inolved in starting three Zoom meeting to help make up the loss of real meeting and people.
I’m 9.5 almost a 10 but not quite! It is hard to choose between 9 and 10
I’d say 8.
It’s 10 for me. Some of my favorite quilters were booked to have presentations at our guild only to be cancelled due to the virus. And who knows when or if they can be rescheduled. Darn!!!
These look like something I would enjoy doing a new project with. I give them a ten. I know my ten year old Great granddaughter would love them. She has three Best of Show for her quilts.
I really miss my groups and guilds. I give it a ten. My Great granddaughter would love to try these. She has three best of show ribbons for her quilts at the fair.
I really miss my groups and guilds. I give it a ten.
Ten for me
It’s ten
These are great! A 10 :)
I am definitely a 10, but even though my guild’s meetings have restarted, I’m too scared to go…yet. Covid isn’t over yet.
A lot of people are still staying home like you Karen. It’s a different world. It’s good that you are so open to online learning – we can now access spectacular teachers in our own home!
9. I am energized by being with other people. I particularly miss art openings. And meeting new people. But I have gotten a lot made under lockdown
And I have a project that requires a lot of circles I am doing now.
Are you using the Applipops? I am so excited that things are opening up. People, I get to hang with people!! Can’t wait to see your COVID work displayed!