A winner and another finished project!
We have a winner from last week’s give-away – Robin Parton! Robin please contact me so that I can send Catherine Redford’s Butterfly Stitches book to you. Congratulations! Robin was the 51st commenter (excluding double comments). I carefully eliminated double comments – I know that sometimes the comment will not show right away so you post again. I’m happy for Robin!
PLEASE NOTE: I did not respond to any comments yet because it would have thrown the comment number off. I will respond to direct questions and such as I get to them this week; please be patient. Thanks to all who responded!
I took a fun class this week, a 2-hour class from Stitches at Home from, coincidentally, Catherine Redford on fabric-wrapped bowls. I had always wanted to do this and had a pattern here at home, but it was so much more fun to be in class! I had a grand time in my 2-hours with Catherine; she makes it fun and lively.
I was not exactly the Star Student but I made a nice little bowl:
It is just a wee bit fidgety to get the bowl started:
If you looked closely you might find a gap or two, but I wasn’t worried about that.
I did not execute the start correctly and had a bit of uncovered clothes line in the middle:
But a little bit of marker, and that was gone:
I needed a form to help steam it into shape and I found the perfect fit:
doesn’t everyone have a Sur la Table Cherry Pitter in their studio?
I presented at two Meet the Teacher events this week, which meant that I had bits of time to fill while other teachers presented. So I got busy:
I had only used part of the 100 feet of rope and 1 yard of batik torn into 1″ strips for my bowl, so I wrapped the leftover cord as other teachers presented. I love how that turned out – only 18″of rope left! How cool is that?
I think I will be taping for my online class forever. This is how it rolls – in order for 1/3 of my studio to look like this:
The rest of my studio had to look like this:
I look forward to having my studio back in order!
And I STILL have major computer issues…..since January. Just shoot me.
I’ll be linking up:
Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday
Nice bowl, Jenny! I’m wondering about that suspension system you have on your machine cabinet, though. Can you share where you found it and whether or not you like it? Thanks!
I love it sandy! Comparatively inexpensive and takes about 2 min to set up. Those are basically repurposed dog grooming arms. Patsy Thompson: https://www.patsythompsondesigns.com/shop/My-Fave-Machine-Quilting-Aids/p/Quilt-Suspension-System-2-by-Patsy-Thompson-Designs-LTD-x20288596.htm
Thanks! I’d seen them, but I’d never heard anyone’s opinion. I may have to check those out. :)
Let me know what yoiu think!
Are the “torture devices” hanging over your sewing table for supporting the weight of a larger quilt? I’ve never tried that. Is it a game changer?
Yes I do love my Patsy Thompson Quilt Suspension system Ellen. I DM’d you on FB. It is a great thing to have. Totally enjoyed your lecture yesterday. Wish I could go to your class but I’m teaching too that day.
That’s on my bucket list to try. Maybe this weekend would be a good time. Thanks for the marker tip!
Do try it – it’s fun and a quick project.
Admire your perseverance with technology. Has really changed our world quickly! Love your fabric wrapped bowl. I am going to make one too. YouTube videos & Just Get It Done quilts had a good one. Have a great day!
I kinda feel like there’s no way out – either teach online and figure it out or don’t teach! Oh do show your bowl when you’re done!
I have a cherry pitter from Sur la Table, but not the shape you have. I think that everything in my house should be useful for more than one thing. Love the bowl. Doing something completely new is such a joy!
Oh we’re art sisters Franki! Yes, doing something new is way too much fun!