Packing, memories and teaching
NOTE: No blog or newsletter next week as I will be traveling and teaching.
This will be a short post as I am getting ready for my 10-day trip to Montana. This is trickier than I thought to pack for 2 different teaching venues – one south and one north, 4 different places to stay, fabulous hiking in Glacier Nat’l Park (“Crown of the Continent”), a train ride and of course, plane rides. Here’s the packing pile so far:
That is 90% hiking, 10% teaching. I weighed it and just my tech cords weigh 6 lbs. As I pack, I know to weigh items separately so I know what to remove if I exceed my 50 lbs. I always bring extra and some long cords because you never know the teaching situation you might be in. And those cords weigh a lot!
The ratio of hiking/recovery shoes to teaching/traveling shoes will be 3: 1, maybe 2. My Cute Shoe Pile may be sulking while I’m gone. Shoes – such a huge deal when traveling. I have issues and have to have multiple shoes to get through a long day, so I hope I can do well with what I’ve got.
After I finish in Bozeman (2 full classes!), my friend will pick me up and we’ll spend 4 days in Glacier. Lynn and I met 45 years ago when we both worked at IHOP in College Station, Tx, home of Texas A&M which I attended…on and off as money ebbed and flowed.
I think my stint there was 4 or 5 years. I started as a waitress and eventually became a cook and get this – I was the first female cook in the region at that time. It was a very physically demanding job. Funny, I left IHOP to work landscape construction on campus, again, the first female. There was no feminist agenda there, I simply made more money working “men’s” jobs.
Here we are – Lynn is the blue arrow and I am the red:
After Bozeman I’ll catch Amtrak in Whitefish to Havre where I’ll teach another 2 full classes at Bearly Square, then home. I taught there in 2015 and had a blast! I am so looking forward to my trip. But, not looking forward to schlepping my 50 lb bag + carry-on + heavy tech bag + “purse” which will be as big as I can handle. There is no way to travel light when either hiking or teaching.
I did complete the smallest of projects. Kimberly Einmo is moving to Australia (see blog post here) and wants her friends to contribute a Shoo Fly block to create a friendship quilt. Here’s my block:
And my story is partially written here:
Yes, I wrote “way” instead of “was”. I’m pretending I didn’t see that. It’s off and sent.
Quick story: I received my 2020 teaching contract from Houston during a particularly busy time. I scanned it – yup, 6 classes and a lecture. Done. Purely by chance, about a month later I noticed that my “lecture” was not just a lecture, but The Keynote Speech! Yeah, like the one at the luncheon lecture! Whoahhhh. This was the first time I even proposed a lecture and I’m the Keynote? What were they thinking? Previous Keynotes were the likes of Hollis Chatelain, Kimberly Eimno, Nancy Prince, etc. Seriously, I am not in that league.
I was totally panicked. I got out my previous programs (thank God I kept them) and scanned for someone I knew that I could write. I came upon Kimberly’s name and our connection at the time was…none. I just knew her reputation was kind and giving. So I DM her on FaceBook and she responds right away. And, includes her phone number and says “call me”!
It was the sweetest call. She was so calm, supportive, generous, informative – everything that I needed at the time. I am forever grateful and took mental notes on how a little gesture to someone “coming up” can be so enormously helpful to that person.
I also lectured to the Galveston, Tx guild, the Island Quilters Guild, a robust and gregarious group:
And a real treat – I lectured and taught at my home guild, the Folsom Quilt and Fiber Guild! I love my guild.
I revamped my “Quilting is a Contact Sport!” lecture to include my photos and meaningful memories of the guild. FQFG taught me all about quilting as a contact sport.
Fills ‘n Frills was packed (in a huge room!) and it was so fun to teach to people I know. It was such a wonderful experience to have with my guild.
See ya on the other side!
Weighing each item as you put it in your suitcase? GENIUS! Wishing you safe travel, wonderful adventures, and roomfuls of eager students with willingness to move beyond their comfort zones.
Oh thank you! I have received my wish – a fantastic class with fully engaged students.