Pacific Int’l Quilt Festival 2022 – Part 2!
NOTE: I may not have a post next week. I hope to write it before I leave for Houston, but I may not have enough time. I also may not have a newsletter for this Sat, Oct 29. I definitely will not have a newsletter Nov 5th.
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I almost forgot; I had 2 quilts hanging at the show:

Round 2 of the Pacific International Quilt Festival, in no particular order; lots of stunning work!

Linda Neal

This year’s PIQF was the best in my memory, but then again, my memory….. So much beauty, expertise, variety and expression. I totally enjoyed myself and I hope you enjoyed my view of the show.
I’ll share at:
Thank you for sharing. So many amazing quilts.
You’re welcome, my pleasure to share.
Thanks Jenny for a peek at some very interesting quilts.
You’re welcome! Glad you enjoyed it.
!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did I miss seeing your Beyond All That quilt before now?! I feel like I must have had a Rip Van Winkle moment. I knew I’d fallen somewhat behind and out of the rhythm of keeping up with what my favorite quilters are doing online, but I didn’t think I’d been out of the loop long enough for you to create a masterpiece from start to finish. I love, love LOVE how you juxtapose the improv piecing with an elaborate and more formal background quilting design. It works really, really well. Now I have to go on a hunt through your older posts to find out more about this piece! Hope you’re having an amazing time in Houston. I know your students are!
Thank you!!! I am having a great time and I’m tired! Beyond All That lingered for 2 years and was only recently finished.