Folsom Quilt and Fiber Guild Show-2015-Part 3
I’ve been busy-notice anything new?? With a LOT of help from my long-suffering web designer I have a new look! Lisa Stambaugh, the Web Diva, of Collective Discovery designed my updated site. Last fall as I was readying myself for Houston, all of a sudden I got a torrent of spam-hundreds a day! That buried […]
Folsom Quilt and Fiber Guild Show-2015-Part 2
What a busy week! I intended to get all my quilt show photos up last week but it was not to be. This week I’m showing the larger quilts. I hope to get a smaller post out later this week with the garments. What a Best of Show! This was a spectacular piece to see […]
Quilt show season begins-Folsom Quilt and Fiber Guild-Small Quilts
My home guild’s show always kicks off “quilt show season” in my area. I love show-vendors, boutique, great food, wonderful quilts and art made by friends. I love walking around the show in the late afternoons, aisles empty, time to ponder each quilt, surrounded and embraced by beauty. And it’s always a little sad when […]
2014 Folsom Quilt and Fiber Guild Show-Part 2
On to the “Big Quilt Room” of the show: What a charming quilt! Geri Richardson designed and appliqued “9 Lives Plus 3”, featuring 12 months of cats. Quilted by Shireen Hattan. Sandi Fong made and quilted “Hearty Heart of Hearts” to do double duty as a Valentine’s quilt and for her anniversary. The feather quilting […]
2014 Folsom Quilt and Fiber Guild Show
The Folsom Quilt and Fiber Guild Show was held last weekend-this is my home guild. Our theme was “A Walk on the Wild Side” and it was a wild romp! Anita Marshall was our Decorations Chair and she definitely had a “wild” take on decorating! We hold our show in an aging community center and […]