Houston International Quilt Festival, 2024; The Quilts, Part 1
You can find Part 2 here. I will write next week about the experience, teaching and the wonderful people I met!
Well it was a fabulous show! Yes, I think it was smaller than last year, but still, there were many stunning quilts. The surprise for me this year was that the Abstract category was huge and the Modern comparatively small.

There were some strong exhibits that intrigued me and I was especially taken by an exhibit by Teresa Duryea Wong which featured rescued tops that she finished. A woman who stood right behind me at that exhibit remarked: “That just isn’t right. Not only does that destroy the provenance of the quilt, it destroys the quilt”. Oy. There were several other magnificent exhibits, too many to name.
As always, I don’t show photos of the top winners, as you can see a much better photos here. I also don’t post photos of quilts I have posted from previous shows (unless I forget I posted them!).

There is so much more that I wish that I could share with you, but just what I have here, all 107 photos, is quite the undertaking. I’d love to show my detail shots, share the stories behind the quilts, etc. but that is just too much!
I decided to group them into categories for ease of viewing. Please note, it was a capricious decision as to what category to put them in. I’m sure, out of 107 quilts, I have completely misplaced a few. Forgive me.

And here goes a blatant humble brag:

Audrey was a student in one of my Empty Spools sessions. She came in as a highly accomplished artist, painter of silk and designer. She wanted to up her quilting game. Some of the quilting motifs she used to enhance this quilt came from our Empty Spools session. I was just thrilled to see that! That is painted silk, so a whole cloth. Her work is stunning and the sheen of the silk, oh my. I have just 6 open slots available for the Spring 2025 Empty Spools session, just sayin’.

Piecing and Traditional:


I’ll be linking up:
Nina-Marie’s Off the Wall Friday
Nice! Thx for sharing.
Glad you enjoyed the photos Reena!
Great photos!!! Thank you so much. What a treat.
You’re welcome Arlene!
Thank you for posting so many photos. Even though I attended the show there are quilts that I’m sure I saw but don’t remember seeing. It is all a bit overwhelming. I did enjoy seeing Henrietta in all her glory. Your quilting on her is so beautiful! So inspiring!
Thank you for all of that Carmen! It IS overwhelming.