One of the unexpected benefits of all this organizing is the discovery of intriguing fabrics long ago lost. Look at this beautiful hand dye that I unearthed-it’s stunning in person and I see all kinds of possibilities with it. It has a kind of ethereal quality. I don’t know who I got it from, but […]
Still Organizing….
I had no idea the monumental task I was undertaking when I decided to organize my stash. DH called me a “whirling dervish” (in the nicest way!). x I decided to take over #1 Son’s room use an existing closet for storage. First thing was to get all the stuff-my car was filled with boxes […]
Organizing my Stash?!
In the midst of working on Fashion Show for Folsom Quilt and Fiber Guild and getting a Special Event set up for American Sewing Guild, I hit my limit. I simply could not function without some sort of organizational change in my stash. I’m actually pretty organized but I work in a small space-my stash […]
Good Vibrations 2
Who knew it could take this long to complete an 8″ square wholecloth?? Design is something I am working hard on and the point of this piece, for me, was to take a simple design and play with value more than color, to use value to push some motifs forward, others back. x x x Well, […]
Good Vibrations
Okay, it might seem like I’m skipping around from project to project, but really, I’m not…kinda. I work in a pretty small space and I find it difficult to work on more than one thing at a time. It does keep me focused and I really do finish my projects-I have to before I can move on to […]