Crying In My Beer
I missed a deadline, an important one. For the stupidest reason-I had the wrong date! It’s almost amusing how I could do this. I was trying to finish my Lily quilt for submittal to the Houston International Quilt Festival jury pool. Somehow I had the date as June 8th, but it was really May 31st. […]
Marking, A Cool Tool and Jazz
Marking is fraught with peril, it just is. Marks don’t always come out and marking removes some of the spontaneity of free motion-you have to hit a line instead of going free form-it’s just not my favorite thing to do! But sometimes ya gotta do it. I designed my Lily quilt to include an area of […]
Quilting Bliss
Sometimes it all comes together and your work gives you a gift. Last night I found myself hand basting the layers of my larger Lily quilt together. The house windows were open, the Delta breeze kicked in-the evening was lovely. Outside I heard the breeze rustling the leaves and the sounds of a train. The air was […]
Wearing My Work-Finally
Thursday was a cold, rainy, long-sleeved kind of day here in northern California. I started to head out the door to run errands and at the last minute popped on my Daisy Fill Vest to see if it would work with my jeans and t-shirt. It did! There surely are better choices for the layer underneath the vest, […]
Spring Show Season-Valley Quilt Guild Show
The spring quilt season has begun-wow, I missed going to shows! I got to the Valley Quilt Guild show in Yuba City and thoroughly enjoyed the quilts despite the rain/wind weather we’ve been having. There was a great assortment of vendors too.Karen Litvinchuk designed, made and quilted this beauty-“In the Pink”. I really enjoyed her […]
24 Inches… Hour
I’m a counter-I count things, I just can’t help it. So when I was bubble quilting away on the border of my Saw Tooth Star, I kept thinking, this is taking for-ev-er. So of course, I had to measure just how slowly it was going and sure enough, my pace was exactly 24″ an hour. […]
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