Play Day and Prep
I was delighted to have the opportunity for a Play Day yesterday with Linda Waddle, a delightful artist/dyer/designer in Auburn, Ca. I spent most of the morning and early afternoon admiring and pawing her huge stash of hand dyed/stamped/screen-printed/painted/stenciled fabric collection. Linda lives where you can see a full view of the Sierras from her back deck-not bad inspiration, huh? I have […]
This is a departure from my normal post, but this subject keeps recurring and I am perplexed. I like to wear linen in the summer. I like linen because it is the most comfortable of all fibers when it’s hot and humid; it breathes. By comparison, cotton will suffocate you and stick when it’s hot and humid. […]
This n That
I’ve finally found a decent foot for my Baby Lock Jane Straight Stitch Only machine-a Janome plastic open-toe darning foot-who knew? I’m not totally in love with it but I do think it’s the best possible solution currently available. It makes a huge difference in the ease of quilting on the Jane. At least I can see where […]
Breaking in Jane
For a quilter, getting a new sewing machine is like starting a new relationship. There’s the initial infatuation, a time of adjustment and then hopefully, a long period of mutual satisfaction. I’m not overstating this am I??! . . I am breaking in my new Straight Stitch Only (SSO) machine, a Baby Lock “Jane” , […]
SAQA and Jazz
A lot has happened since my last post: I’ve been to the Studio Art Quilt Associates Conference (SAQA) in Denver, visited my Mom and Sister there also, and attended the annual Jazz Festival in Old Sacramento. I’ve got a ton of links in this post so be sure to check them out. Now, where do […]
Learning from Linda and Sharon
I’ve taken two great classes in the last week and my head is spinning. After each class I was so excited I felt like I was vibrating! x I took a fabric dyeing class from Linda Waddle at The Tin Thimble in Loomis. The shop is located inside an old fruit shed, a funky location […]